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For voting tiers these are the top three I liked.  Pick one and I’ll do my best to make this into a hybrid pinup or a mini comic.  I reserve the right to use artistic license and make suggestions work to my storytelling ability.

a.) Skate boarder fall on his ass during a stunt. Goes to hospital since skin on his bottom cheeks got destroyed. Signs up for procedure to use new synthetic skin graph on his cheeks. After being released from the hospital he notice his butt was rounder than before. The skin overtime transforms his body while his fan base grows out in the skate park due to his developing curves. He eventually makes the full transformation

b.)Guy is using a canister vacuum to clean his house but accidentally gets the hose stuck on his crotch.  His dick gets sucked up and starts transforming into a sexy busty woman.

c.) Every Pride month, due to an anomaly of unknown origins, anyone who has disocvered since the last Pride month, that they are trans, NB, etc, will be transformed into their desired body. At the stroke of midnight on the first of June.


A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

A) is just like that one spongebob episode where he breaks his ass... I hope there's a 30 mile spanking machine .u.


C for the win