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Second Puberty, is the theme of this month! (I just wanna draw Second Puberty stuff!)


As is tradition.

Opening up to you 5$+ Lovelies.

Please if you have your suggestion! please get it in by tomorrow!

This is open until the 10th


  • Keep things simple, No more than two subjects.
  • Try to keep things to my "Brand" as in No Punishment, Generally Positive subjects.
  • ONE suggestion per patron!
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote.
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch"



Guy and girl get trapped in a cabin due to a snowstorm, when their mutual second puberty hits. Guy becomes a very pretty and busty girl, girl becomes an altersex that's hung like a bear. They're rescued and the "guy" proposes to the girl, and they leave in the ambulance holding hands.


A guy at an office full of people who have already went through "Second Puberty", is sad because he fears he never will. He stays late one night, and is drinking coffee at his desk when he suddenly begins to go through his second puberty and transforms into a beautiful woman. The next morning when the rest of the colleagues turn up for work, they see that the office "guy" has finally hit second puberty and celebrate and congratulate her.


Lonely guy wishes on a shooting star to finally get a girlfriend, then goes to sleep. Next morning he wakes up and slowly turns into a girl throughout his morning routine, they don't notice the change, but get a little confused when their clothes don't fit. Then on their morning run they runs into a punk altersex girl after they trip, not used to their new body. She then wants to take them on a date, much to their surprise


At Bay City Magic School a nonbinary witch is down in the gender lab with all kinds of ancient and futuristic equipment around. They are plugging away at some chemical reactions when they take a swig from their drink. Little do they realize that this was actually a second puberty acceleration juice bottle, not their drink. They become busty and well endowed as they look for another strange piece of equipment, finding it and landing on their new form. They are unsurprised but interested in the possibilities of their new form.


(I'm not really sure what the rules are for second puberty so I'm just gonna shoot my shot and someone can tell me if I've goofed something) Girl who dress like a traditional girly girl is into weightlifting and while working out in the gym goes through second puberty, getting buff, hair shortens, possible dick growth, turning into a buff lady/intersex that where's dresses outside of the gym


A man finds a key on the ground with an apartment number written on it. He decides to return the key and goes to the apartment. At the apartment, he opens the door to find it fully furnished with no one there. He gets the urge to snoop around and finds some women's clothing. He gets the urge to try them on and hang out. The longer he stays the more the changes happen.


Society where men below age 30 exist with occasional visits from women for copulation reasons to continue the human race. Men over 30 were thought to be put down. Our main character turns 30 expecting to be done away with but is transported to the women's society were he begins his transformation into a woman. Apparently men in this world undergo a second puberty once they hit 30 and are kept oblivious to it until it happens


A new pill that triggers second puberty, A boyfriend and girlfriend, who aren't satisfied with what puberty did for them, both take it and then have some fun afterwords.


A man volunteers as a test subject for a new serum that will allow second puberty - a change that will make the desired effects of puberty more exaggerated (bigger muscles, taller for men, more voluptuous for women). Once arriving at the test site he is locked into a small glass container where they inject. It turns out to be an accidental experimental dose for the opposite gender and he begins to grow into a busty, giantess that bursts out of the cell. As sirens go and lights flash, the giantess grabs one of the dodgy scientists and runs away into the night.


A college guys who is depressed talks to his female friend that he thinks on dropping out because he is unhappy with himself. The friend then devices something in chemistry class and shoots him with a dart secretely. He then slowly transforms into a quaint but pretty girl and gets happier by the second as people treat him/her differently. Then he realizes what happens and has some fun. Potentially with his friend


Takeo is that one underdeveloped friend you take with you like a younger brother everywhere. This time, to a convention, Takeo picks up a ninja outfit. At first, you're not sure it's the right fit, but then (s)he grows into it. You think she's gonna fit right in.