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Mixed up the Poll things and people like the one I mixed up so I'm adding as a choice

Poll for y'all.  Pick one, I'll make a Hybrid comic or a Mini, more likely a hybrid this month.

I get to take creative liberty with any choice picked, and I'll try my best to stick to the spirit of the selection.

A.) A young shy nervous guy goes to an Inner Self facility to recieve a premium treatment.   A woman covered in a special Inner Self oil rubs her body against his and slowly peels away his old body piece by piece revealing the new woman.  The new woman is much more confident and out going in her new body. And also gets the woman who helped her's phone number.

B.) Perhaps you could have a situation with a couple using the body wash while getting frisky in the shower together. Each swaps gender as they " exfoliate" and, after a brief moment of shock, they realize they want each other more than ever. They proceed to continue getting frisky in the bedroom, leaving their old shells laying piled together in a heap on the bathroom floor.

C.)Newly out trans woman in her late thirties, lamenting the youth she missed out on using an "Age Defying Serum" or something similar and becoming a college aged version of herself, fully transitioned.

D.)Guy has to go to an Inner Self facility for pre-marriage counseling-thirty days as their opposite so they know "how things are." The guy is "football linebacker" huge and tall and strong.  There's a malfunction during the Inner Self thing and his "inner self" is still tall and built to carry a bull under each arm, but also "Lady Dimesteru is envious" curvy and sexy and so VERY girly and wants to wear a sexy dress.  Hilarity ensues when "her" fiancee like this want wants to stay just as much a girl as well.



Squee! D is trending!

Adam Gonzalez

Going for the low hanging fruit Zi? Lol

jimmy d banthrall jr

I love when someone is given a chance to in brace their true selves and find love.