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We're revisiting one of my favorite in universe products. The InnerSelf Products. The stuff that brings out your inner self, often leaving a shell of your old self behind. that you can keep wearing if you really need to present as your old self still.



As is tradition.

Opening up to you 5$+ Lovelies.

This is open until the 15th


  • Keep things simple, No more than two subjects.
  • Try to keep things to my "Brand" as in No Punishment, Generally Positive subjects.
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote.
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch"


Scooter Tahusky

Perhaps you could have a situation with a couple using the body wash while getting frisky in the shower together. Each swaps gender as they " exfoliate" and, after a brief moment of shock, they realize they want each other more than ever. They proceed to continue getting frisky in the bedroom, leaving their old shells laying piled together in a heap on the bathroom floor.


A young shy nervous guy goes to an Inner Self facility to recieve a premium treatment. A woman covered in a special Inner Self oil rubs her body against his and slowly peels away his old body piece by piece revealing the new woman. The new woman is much more confident and out going in her new body. And also gets the woman who helped her's phone number.


Guy has to go to an Inner Self facility for pre-marriage counseling-thirty days as their opposite so they know "how things are." The guy is "football linebacker" huge and tall and strong. There's a malfunction during the Inner Self thing and his "inner self" is still tall and built to carry a bull under each arm, but also "Lady Dimesteru is envious" curvy and sexy and so VERY girly and wants to wear a sexy dress. Hilarity ensues when "her" fiancee like this want wants to stay just as much a girl as well.

Grant Nordin

How about a male nurse who’s overworked and under appreciated uses the inner self treatment and becomes a thicc busty milf nurse whose looks and positive personality make her super appreciated by both her patients and her co workers?


Newly out trans woman in her late thirties, lamenting the youth she missed out on using an "Age Defying Serum" or something similar and becoming a college aged version of herself, fully transitioned.


Someone whose inner self isn’t too different, they don’t bother switching back at all; So instead the skin gets stuffed with a body pillow and used as a sex toy.

Andrew Crosswait

A guy asks a hot girl out, but she dismisses him: "you're not really my type, come back to me when you figure out who you REALLY are", or something. Queue Inner Self shift and (s)he returns to ask the girl out, everyone's happy. Optional twist: after seeing the transformed version of the dude the girl looks horrified "I just wanted you to find yourself or something!" But then she's into it, "But this'll work, too 😏", everyone's happy.

mykalwane spirt of gender shrug they greater than she, she greater than he.

So what if there is one of those old time paper slider things you would make with 4 or 5 paper plates. With the center is a face that is the constant you could spin one for different hair, different body arms for thick or musular, body is more feminime or masquine. Maybe one by one messing with them in front of a mirror where the body actually changes along with what on the slider is till happy and puts the paper slider down to notice how they look in the mirror smile as a tear in that they look how they always wish they could be.