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It's March, and you know what that means. 

Anything goes so long as you got some "Moms" in it. ;)

As is tradition.

Opening up to you 5$+ Lovelies.

This is open until the 15th


  • Keep things simple, No more than two subjects.
  • Try to keep things to my "Brand" as in No Punishment, Generally Positive subjects.
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote.
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch"



What about a young doctor in the hospital elevator getting off on the labor and delivery floor and being transformed into a buxom new patient?


I once told me that there is no such thing as a “tomboy milf”, they responded with “soccer mom”.


Young man tries on some leggings only to learn the hard way that they were maternity pants

Sidney Cuddihy

Two kids want to go see a movie but there mom won't give them the money to let them see it. They find two free movie tickets on the ground but one is for an adult. The one to takes the adult one turns in to a hot milf and they go in to enjoy the movie

mykalwane spirt of gender shrug they greater than she, she greater than he.

2 ideas since not sure which form of mom would be prefer A couple into some pet play, one of the couple remarks, "It must be easy to play the role of the mother" the other remark with a big heruph before stealing the animal ears and putting on their head. "Lets see if you are right" before a transformation. The second one I think would work better. Someone mowing a lawn that is very andronix person sweating sees a mother sipping wine as looking at photos of children with their that have married. The mother is happily drinking with their female partner drapes an arm over the mother's shoulder. Envious of them wishing I look as happy as they do now. The person mowing seems to start transforming without them knowing till finish the lawn and fall into a pile of leaves to relax as fully transform of a combintation look of the two they envied.


A guy who's a Were Mom, changes every Full Moon, He has another guy who's about to go through his first transformation and decides to change with him so he'll be more comfortable.


A Mom gives her son a transfusion to save his life, however it has a side effect that transforms the son into her/ a mom.


A guy finds mom business clothes and tries them on transforming into the mom him self. The clothes are a business suit with trousers and a button blouse.

Scooter Tahusky

A dad gets transformed into an extremely buxom mom to potentially help their wife breast feed their newborn Quadruplets, and perhaps have a little fun experimenting with each other after the kids are put to bed.


bf and gf go lingerie shopping, bf picks out lingerie for gf, she puts it on without looking. turns out its a huge maternity bra and crotchless panties meant for a girl with very wide child bearing hips. she transforms into a thicc milf version of her self with huge pillowy milk laden boobs that actually are big enough to pop open the nipple windows of the bra and a substantial butt.


guy makes fun of his friend for playing a milf dating sim game. The friend doesn't like that so with a touch of a button he's transported into the game. The guy slowly turns into the milf from the game as he's forced to act out the scene's in the game. The friend plays out a sex scene in the game that the guy gets to experience. After the sex scene is over he's transported out as the milf which is great because it's march and you know the rest.

Andrew Crosswait

Struggling married couple at relationship counseling (you don't have to show the counselor to keep it under 2 subjects). The counselor suggests their relationship might improve if one of them was a mommy. The wife says that'd be great, but she can't get pregnant. The counselor indicates that she might have a solution to all their problems and turns the husband into a curvy milf, which the married couple loves and quickly takes advantage of. The end :) (Optionally simultaneously turn the wife altersex so they're able to have kids)


A trans lady nervously prepares for her first IRL meeting with a group of misfits and nerds that she's been taking care of online for years. The universe (or someone watching unseen) conspires to give her a more suitable body shape for her internet-mom status.


A guy’s friend— a single mother— constantly needs help around the house. Being sweet and caring as he is, the protagonist helps out as much as he can. Every task he helps out with changes him in some way, until he’s a second mother, and the first mom isn’t so single any more


An odd phenomenom seems to be sweeping the nation, where when focusing on, or obsessing over milfs, males seem to be going through spontaneous milfifications to dramatically varying degrees based on their personal preferences! While it's believed that the number of people who are effected by 'invasive momisms' are incredibly low, the government has released strict guidelines on how to avoid thinking about milfs to individuals who are psychologically susceptible. It'd seem that whichever designer actually produced these pamphlets had a very different idea in mind, as they instead give plenty of suggestions for milfy looks and thoughts.

Eli Pineda

Early 20's emo turns into milky milf, you can choose which type of emo. Personally id say midwestern emo would be best but Californian is also good