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I think I like exploring my own personal emotions through my characters, and it's helping me cope with the isolation of last year and still. And thanks to many of you who voted and gave me the go ahead to post this with an overwhelming positive response.  If I do more of these I'll mark them as [emotional] or [art therapy] or the like. Very specifically these'll be sfw. And always try to be positive and uplifting. 

"More for me to process  my emotions and channel my isolation stress. Is this a comic about being stood up? If you process it that way. Is it about waiting for someone, anybody to sit next to them. Most assuredly. Being Alone stinks, but it's okay. It'll be okay.

Sometimes you just have to yell, scream, and cry.   It's going to be okay.

Honestly I didn't want to pop my logo on here. but knowing emotion comics like this end to be passed around, This is personal and I need to be attached."



john fraioli

Thank you for sharing this.


I like this

Abreon or Abrea

Sometimes you need to yell at the world. Always fun in the winter, the cold air can be.... Extra exhilarating.


I just want to hug you after reading your post and the comic 🤗🤗🤗


Thinking on this more I also really like how well the art is composed. The world starts out colorless, dull, rough, and devoid of detail and then after the release color and the rest of the world returns. Nice


Whenever you need to, post one of these. Your health - physical AND mental - is so important. I'd rather have a SFW comic and you feeling okay than a NSFW comic and you going bonkers.


Powerful, and similar. This is good work Z.


I think its awesome you are doing therapy art to work through your emotions, but please keep it to twitter, I subbed to you to see nsfw art.


Brandon I appreciate, you and your support! And This is a rarity, I'll continue making NSFW content. If 1% of all my art is this you'll still be getting plenty of cute and sexy stuff c: Again Thank you so much. You're so active here on Patreon and constantly sending great suggestions.

Chloe Greensmith

I can’t speak for others who might have subscribed for only tiddy, but I personally joined because I believed in the message of the Glamorous comic, of positivity and honesty and the happiness that can come from being true to yourself. I also do appreciate fine tiddy. It’s wonderful that this is therapeutic to you. Every living thing is entitled to harmony with their self.