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It's October! And to mix things up! let's do something different!

This month's theme a free for all BUT Spoopy, you must include Elinore, OR Maple the Bay city witch, but NOT BOTH.

As is tradition.

Opening up to you 5$+ Lovelies.

This is open until the 12th.


  • Keep things simple, No more than two subjects.
  • Try to keep things to my "Brand" as in No Punishment, Generally Positive subjects. I also don't do pregnancy. Don't ask.
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote.
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch" 

The theme for this month is:

Free for All but spoopy (2020)
Must include Elinore the ghost or Maple the bay city witch



So Have at it 5$+ Patrons! I'm looking forward to your suggestions.

This will be closed on the 8th.



A wizard who lacks confidence wanders the streets of bay city. Eventually they arrive at Maple's shop, and ask for something to grant them the confidence to ask someone to a date at a Halloween party. Maple gives them a costume and an axe. Telling them to train with it. They oblige, and reclass into a barbarian (And a lass of course). Opening the costume, they discover it to be a ghostly Valkyrie costume. They return to Maple and ask that she join them at the party. Whether or not they accept or refuse it's clear that the young mage is happy with the changes.


A male parking attendant puts a ticket on Maple's car, which is parked in front of a costume shop. Maple comes back almost immediately, and tries to argue the ticket. The attendant is unmoved, and walks away. Maple then decides to get even, and uses her magic on him. Sexy Halloween costume and gender transformations ensue.


It's a brisk fall day in Bay City. A group of high school boys are playing pickup football in a local park. Maple is enjoying a stroll through the park and pauses to watch. She begins chatting with a scrawny boy on the sideline who was not chosen to play. Maple works her magic and transforms the boy into a sexy cheerleader who then catches the attention of the other boys with her enthusiasm.


Searching through a creepy attic a lanky young man removes the cloth covering a painting of a familiar beautiful woman. "Whoa, she's gorgeous." Elinore materializes behind him. "Not as gorgeous as you." Sexy transformation ensues. When his clothes rip during the change she gives him a modern version of the dress the woman in the painting is wearing.

Grant Nordin

How about some delinquents are egging and throwing toilet paper at Maple’s house and she turns them into sexy Halloween maids and has them clean the place?


Depressed guy sees Elinore transform the person from the previous comic. Follows Elinore, begging her to transform them. Elinore agrees finally, but states there will be a "Price" (uh oh vibes). Nervously the guy asks what the price will be (wincing because they're sure it's going to be something horrible that they can't accept, even if it would mean finally being 'right'). Elinore states she hasn't gotten laid in a long time and would like to 'merge/tagalong' for a bit to "look for some serious action". Guy's eye pop open like, "OH! That's it? I was going to do that myself anyway. Hell Yeah Sister!" They then merge, transform and come out of it ready to go on the prowl.