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This is on track for an August release! I may delay my annual vacation, (since my birthday is in the first week of august) so I can finish this! but If I focus and turn out a few pages every day, I'll hit my goal handily. 

Quick update. Yesterday was a bit of a bust. Low mood for most of the day. Had to take a little time to recharge.  As of 7/25 I'll be working on this AND the monthly today. to change things up. I also added a visual guide of what I've completed and what I'm working on.

Reasonable Reachable goals! 




Do you ink pages unevenly? I've always seen people ink out each page fully before moving on to the next. Just makes me a lil curious about how your workflow goes, seems you might be more like me where you kinda move about between areas of interest instead of going in a specific order


I'm curious myself as I've dabbled in the idea of doing short comics so hearing an experienced voice on their workflow could come in handy.