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 UnlockedApril 2020 Monthly Poll! "April Showers"

Hope Y'all are staying safe, washing your hands, and being good to yourselves.

Here are my picks from the suggestions! 

I'll be using them as inspiration and making a hybrid pinup or a short comic, Depending how inspired I am. 

A.)   a "Singing In the Rain" situation where a man is happily walking along with an umbrella in the rain while whistling. Seeing a lamppost he hops up for a spin round, transforming into a woman whilst doing so and merrily continuing her walk after hoping down.

B.)  Guy is walking home then suddenly a downpour. He is soaked and quickly dips into a lingeria shop. The cashier offers him a pink towel, as she dries off he is turned into the newest hire for the store  

C.) The roof over a dude's bed starts leaking, and the water turns him into a woman while he sleeps.  He-now-she awakens to a soaking wet bed and a smoking hot body.

I'm taking a little break as I've been a little burnt out after trying to produce art every day.  I'll be back to it pretty soon... if not... like tomorrow? Trying my best to help keep your minds off of the dumb outside ;P

Whoops didn't set the poll correctly.



Woo! Made it to the polls again!


If I had to choose an order-B, then A, then C. Only because I would love to see the adaptation of "Singing In The Rain" and watching a Fred Astaire-type dancer adapt to a full ball gown and heels... ;)