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I totally boned up who gets to make a suggestion and what this is open to. Whoops! I've got a cold! It happens. 

Anyways I'll be approving all these and going through all the existing comments! 

Let's get a fun theme going that you all can enjoy!

Opening up to you 5$+ Lovelies. 

This is open until the 10th. 


  • Keep things simple. This is a One Scene Comic Pinup.  
  • Try to keep things to my "Brand" as in No Punishment, Generally Positive subjects. I also don't do pregnancy. Don't ask.
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 5-7 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote. 
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.

The theme for this month is: 

Anything goes. It's an open suggestion month. (Within reason)

So Have at it 5$+ Patrons! I'm looking forward to your suggestions.

This will be closed on the 10th.   


Ozii Sky

Guy is decorating a tree and hangs up some silver bells with a little wing motif, he flicks it to make them ring. And as the saying goes a angel gets her wings, guy turns in to a lovely Christmas angel!


Gasp! This fun monster girl randomizer applet turns you into an actual monstergirl! Whoulda thunk it?


A guy picks up a Mrs. Claus outfit and tries it on. He becomes a gorgeous woman who is carrying a little present to be delivered in 9 months!


Perhaps a guy waits under mistletoe too long without getting a kiss and needs to change to fulfill the tradition

Bruce W. Liu

A knight goes to rescue a princess from a castle. But when he does he is consumed by dragons fire becoming the princess himself.


Guy orders a pizza, pizza girl delivers the pizza and slams her hat on his head. She walks off saying, "thanks for taking over!" Guy quickly changes into the double of the pizza girl. Mind changes to pizza delivery mode. Looks at the order slip, "I gotta go!" Runs off.

Karen W. Fox

Overweight garbage man doing his rounds in back of his garbage truck. Empties one bin and spots a clean blond wig. He looks at it and wonders why it was thrown out in such good condition. Shoves in inside his overalls. Gets home and washes it out, and hangs it to air dry. He showers. Still wet, he puts on the wig. He changes into a thin nude woman. Taking the wig off, he turns back into an overweight man. Aroused, he puts the wig on, changes, and does some exploration for an hour. Taking the wig off, she does not change back... for the same length of time, an hour. Is there something else he does not know as to why the wig was discarded?


Guy is filling out an online form/application, gets to the question on gender. Debates, chooses “F”. Suddenly changes to match her selection. Happy.


A guy gets caught in the crossfire of a neighborhood snowball fight, and each snowball that hits him transforms him slowly into a woman, and decides to join the fight in the middle with no cover just to get hit over and over again


I can see him getting covered in snow then it all falls off at once for the reveal.


I would appreciate anything with Curly hair. Not enough Curly love out there, and you do it really well


A man found a beautifying magic ring but for female only, transforming him as a tropical goddess


A man praying in a church for a transformative encounter with Christ gets exactly what he was praying for, but not how he expected it.


Young man finds black crucifix necklace on the floor. He puts it on and turns into a goth woman? not really good at describing these kinds of things XD


Made a mistake and left this open to all patrons. When it's supposed to be $5+ patrons and up! If you bump your tier up I'll honor this suggestion.


Made a mistake and left this open to all patrons. When it's supposed to be $5+ patrons and up! If you bump your tier up I'll honor this suggestion.


Made a mistake and left this open to all patrons. When it's supposed to be $5+ patrons and up! If you bump your tier up I'll honor this suggestion.


A man shivering in the cold outside of a sudden snowstorm finds a discarded jacket which transforms into a cute winter ensemble...and him into a cute girl to match!


I specifically don't do stuff with religion, or religious figures ;) But I can make this work.


Honestly a little vague but I'm sure I could work curly hair into a thing this month. No promises!

Desmond Wooten

Man gets two cups of hot chocolate for him and his lady friend that he has a crush on, however she is into women. He takes a sip of his drink along the way and it slowly changes it to woman of generous proportions with long, curly hair, which gives him enough reason to let her know how she feels.

Elena Kotka

Hrmmm! Biased here, but how about a slime girl stuffing into an adventurer, rounding him out into a female figure!

Angry Nerd Bird

Hmm. Will have to think this one over. :V

Muller Wolff

Art class. One student molds another student into the opposite sex.