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Evan/Evie is a Gynethrope living in Bay City, and is an incredibly late bloomer. Just coming to terms with a sudden activation of their powers. 



Perrin Rynning

"Gynethrope" meaning capable of shifting from fully-functional male to fully-functional female amd back again? And the change is an effort of will, rather than dependent on an external factor like moon-phase? If so, it sounds FASCINATING and I look forward to seeing and reading more!


I have a bunch of rules for Gynethropic/AnthroGynic people. (still working on that Female to Male term. Since the term is built upon Lycanthropy) They are BOTH, Low level shape shifters as well as affected by the moon. A full moon can bring out a transformation, and a new moon cancels all shape shifting... at Zenith at least.

Jessie Star

Evan/Evaleigh is a gorgeous shifter in ALL forms. Whoever they are dating is one lucky duck. Gorgeous curves on this girl, she's ready for the beach!


Just wondering what program and platform you use?


Oh thanks! And are you on a wacom? Im thinking of getting an ipad and getting the pen as well


I use a cintiq 22hd. And a surface book 2 for mobile work, although atm it’s in for service.