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My grandmother isn’t well. And when THAT happens. I’ll be away for a bit. I just want to be transparent and keep you guys in the know. It might be soon it might be in a couple of months. Sorry for bringing this somber stuff to the lewd party.



Sending goods thoughts your way!


Thank you for being open about things with us during what must be a difficult time. I wish you all the best with however things go.

Perrin Rynning

These things happen. Please focus on your grandmother and yourself, and get back to us when you're ready.


For now I’ll work. I can’t be filled with grief until it’s time. And when it’s time I’ll take care of myself. And I’ll be open when I’ll be taking off


I hope things okay, however, I am a new patron who signed up only a couple days ago. Will I still be expected to pay my pledge for however many months in the future you are away for?


I've been there. Its tough, it really is. My heart goes out to you and your family. I've been there


Wish everything will be ok.always with you!🙏