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Hey I'm doing alright. I'm doing "okay" i'm trying to take care of myself best i can. Doing a lot of self care, the loss of my pupper put a huge weight on my heart. 

It's a little hard to get to drawing horny stuff when my heart is not into it.  I will be delivering the Monthly pinup this weekend. 

Thanks all for the well wishes. I'll be back to it pretty soon. 



I lost my pup earlier this year, take your time.

Bal tha mele

I’m so sorry for your loss, I love my puppers so much.


Dont worry about us worry about yourself first!


No worries I feel you.


Take all the time you need... It's a hard hit, we can only send virtual hugs


get well, be well.


Lost my cat of 16 years a couple of weeks ago. I know the feel. Do what you gotta do.