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Things have been going... not great?

 I've been teetering on the edge of burnout, and I'm trying to find myself in smaller projects before I start more big ones.

Thus, I am finishing some of my unfinished stuff, doing one fanart a day, etc.

What's going on? In June, my mom had (elective) surgery, which put a lot of pressure on me to pick up slack around the house. My sibling decided to go to Europe, so they dropped off one of their dogs for me to take care of, which put me in a state of "OH MY GOD WHY." for a bit. While I took a little time off, the damage was done.

I'm keeping shorter days to let myself recover and do stuff I'm interested in. That is, doing stuff that's mostly selfish or scratching that dopamine itch.

I've also been writing the next premium comic [writing? Brainstorming? Something, nothing has come up as of yet.], as well as exploring starting My best friend is a Total milf.

A reminder: Next month is my birthday, and I usually take a week off during the first week.

As to not worry y'all, I am taking plenty of time to rest, hydrate, and self care, I'm just being open about my state. I tend to post more about what's going on from a moment to moment, dealings on twitter (I refuse to call it x).

Anyways! I'm off to get some coffee! Take care of yourselves! And there's more art coming!



I'm glad you're keeping an eye on your needs and thank you for the heads up. :)

Katharina Lauth

Self-care is number one! Even if the self-care is just minor stuff, make sure you take the time for yourself to re-center at the very least once per day. Don't let anyone including yourself make you feel guilty for needing a moment. It's very easy to get burnout when a lot of things are going on all at once.