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Let's HAVE SOME MAD FUN! The theme for the month is MAD SCIENCE.

As is tradition.

It is opening up to you $5+ lovelies.


  • Keep things simple: At most, three to four subjects.

  • ONE suggestion per patron!

  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.

  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice and put them up for a vote.

  • If your suggestion needs adjustments, is not on theme, or doesn't fit what I do, I'll reply to the comment and ask for an adjustment.

  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch."  BUT BE SPECIFIC ENOUGH THAT IT'S NOT VAGUE. For example, I'd like Werewomen in this one.

  • If the suggestion includes Not Safe for work or sexual situations, then No CHARACTERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

  • **LEAVE YOUR SUGGESTION IN THE COMMENTS**  This will be open until the 10th of this month. The vote opens on the 11th!



Hmmm… how about like a sexy evil clone?

Zoey night

How about a college guy turns into a mice girl transformation bbw shrinking by witch/ scientist used as a horny lab rat sort of speaking finds other like herself and a new intiation goes one where they all get horny and start to go crazy as the scientist/witch cackles in the back taking notes


I could see somethin like a scientist testing a batch of chemicals or a machine in his lab where something goes wrong (like let’s say their assistant knocks over a test tube or accidentally hits the activation button) and the scientist soon undergoes a change into quite the curvy woman after the proverbial dust settles… and the experiment was a success! Mostly. Seems the chemicals or machine was set to the MILF setting…

Dr. Beaubourg

An experimental drug induces a TG Transformation in all of it's victims as the lead scientist discovers it's much more transmissible than previously thought leading to a massive outbreak of busty gal tfs <3


Ditzy male jock doesn’t listen to Grey hair milf professor. One Lab accident later she’s now a brilliant chubby girl.


Nanomachine accident where one person starts to get horny, the other person become sexier, and the escalation increases from there...


How about an absent-minded mad surgeon, who helps people through magic and science "Become the best me they can be". Only it often ends with them more becoming whatever the good doctor wants to test next. (Not that they end up minding)


A "the fly" style transformation where a scientist goes into a tube to do a teleportation experiment. But it sends him to a field of cows where he fuses with a female cow and comes back as a cowgirl

Alexander Pontier

A scientist tries to invent a waterless cleaner using liquid nanobots. The liquid gets too aggressive against the scientist as it slides into him. As he tries to pull it out of his mouth, he becomes her and as she finishes changing, the liquid enters her below the belt. The liquid finally lets go, but the scientist seems to want to run more “tests” with it.


Ditsy undergrad signs up for experiments with a less than ethical professor. Gets strapped to a Frankenstein esque frame, with the intention being for the professor to extract "maleness" and go altersex. However, the experiment is reversed and the undergrad goes bimbo while the professor goes flat.


Scientist is attempting to create a living Liquid Metal substance, but is absorbed by it in the process, becoming a shapeshifting Liquid Metal Slimegirl


Travel teleporter shuffles body parts between people


I’m thinking “MAD SCIENCE” needs some “Mwah ha Ha ha HA!” and “It’s… ALIVE!” vibes. What about The Blob combined with the Absorbing Man combined with The Nutty Professor but not murdering, not a man, and not a nutty professor. A bunch of attractive, full bodied female scientists plot to turn the entire world female by concentrating and synthesizing a Femininity Tonic, and they are experimenting on an unwilling man to prove that it works. But first, they must make the subject’s body susceptible to absorbing the femininity. They put so much time into obsessing over concocting the perfect Femininity Tonic, they get lazy with the absorbing agent. When they give him the absorbing agent his body turns soft and malleable. He breaks his bonds and grabs and consumes the tonic, while also absorbing the femininity from the upper torso of the woman holding it - leaving her a shockingly vacant chest, short hair, flattened face, and thin lips. His body unexpectedly swells (particularly in the places from which he absorbed). “He” is attracted to the women and their femininity and, as he absorbs them, they are left on the other side of “him” without any feminine features. He swells into a giant, voluptuous busty, bodacious blob of a woman and escapes the lab.


A mad scientist create a nanite based costume gun and create itself a new "wardrobe"


Mad scientist creates machine that swaps attributes of people

Andre Golden

Dr. Robert David discovers a new form of energy called Pink X. He thought it would change the world. However an accident involving the volatile energy research transforms him into the Amazing Amazon, a hulking(and sexy) 7 foot tall pink “she beast”.


How bout a vit of weird science? Two friends each build their perfect woman on the computer and try to turn two dolls into real women but end up turning themselves into THEIR OWN design (turns out they wanted to BE them, not be WITH them 😜) (Edit PS: one could be alter sex and both could be some 80's throwback given the movie timeframe)


The mad scientists who run the R&D in Deep Valley Bras and their first successful prototype?


Scientist makes morphable clothing to save time changing into and out of lab gear until the clothing malfunctions and rapid morphs him to fit into her sexy new attire.


Mad Professor (with a doctorate) decides to make her college level sex ed more interesting by shuffling the genitals of the class with a device. Too bad nobody told the Jock who thought this would be a cool way to pick up chicks. He's still right.


Very short pitch: Three timelines with vastly different takes on gender roles crash and merge, but not smoothly ... instead, in a crashy, erratic way that everyone notices. Slightly longer: Three timelines crash and merge into each other. One is a world where women are superior and in charge, while men are weak and subservient; one is a world where MAD MEN-style masculinity never ended; and one is a fairly normal timeline. As the timelines crash and merge, some people find themselves escalated in station, some people find themselves degraded in station; some people flip gender, some flip roles, and some are just rapidly blinking in shock as chaos reigns around them. Some meet their dopplegangers (and some merge with them), while others just refuse to "behave".

mykalwane spirt of gender shrug they greater than she, she greater than he.

A scientist messing with probability finds a way to adjust this reality. Making themself more mascaline or more feminme, bigger or smaller. Noticing can do there is copy and paste feature can take from others apply to self as well as duplicate. Turning to the study of self love to scientifically find out what is best and recorded the data.