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Let's HAVE SOME MAD FUN! The theme for the month is MAD SCIENCE.

As is tradition.

It is opening up to you $5+ lovelies.


  • Keep things simple: At most, three to four subjects.

  • ONE suggestion per patron!

  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.

  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice and put them up for a vote.

  • If your suggestion needs adjustments, is not on theme, or doesn't fit what I do, I'll reply to the comment and ask for an adjustment.

  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch."  BUT BE SPECIFIC ENOUGH THAT IT'S NOT VAGUE. For example, I'd like Werewomen in this one.

  • If the suggestion includes Not Safe for work or sexual situations, then No CHARACTERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

  • **LEAVE YOUR SUGGESTION IN THE COMMENTS**  This will be open until the 10th of this month. The vote opens on the 11th!



Mad Professor (with a doctorate) decides to make her college level sex ed more interesting by shuffling the genitals of the class with a device. Too bad nobody told the Jock who thought this would be a cool way to pick up chicks. He's still right.


Very short pitch: Three timelines with vastly different takes on gender roles crash and merge, but not smoothly ... instead, in a crashy, erratic way that everyone notices. Slightly longer: Three timelines crash and merge into each other. One is a world where women are superior and in charge, while men are weak and subservient; one is a world where MAD MEN-style masculinity never ended; and one is a fairly normal timeline. As the timelines crash and merge, some people find themselves escalated in station, some people find themselves degraded in station; some people flip gender, some flip roles, and some are just rapidly blinking in shock as chaos reigns around them. Some meet their dopplegangers (and some merge with them), while others just refuse to "behave".