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Buckle in everyone! This is one of our big announcements for 2023!!

I was going to wait until after episode 5 releases to announce this, but I feel like this might hype everyone up during the wait period. I'd like to also mention that this gameplay system has been in the works behind the scenes for over 8 months off and on to ensure we're aware of just how in-depth it'll be.

Please understand that what we're about to share with you might give higher expectations for exactly how in-depth to expect this gameplay system to work. Long as you keep your expectations a bit grounded with some of these mentions.. It should be a very exciting post to dive into! :P

(All art previews within this post are credited to our sprite artist Lisa)

Without rambling any further... Let's dive into it!

~What is the Diaper Influence System?~

This is a big choice system in place for when the route episodes begin, presenting itself early into episode 6 and lasting until roughly episode 12. Within each route episode, there will be fitting moments along the way that sparks a diaper accident taking place with a girl to begin with. The player will be given 3 different options for how to handle the situation...

The first begins with choosing your path to set the girl on for influence during episode 6 or 7 based on the girl. Then the following episodes offer unique choices that are directly related to the given path they're set onto. (We'll dive into this further below.)

Here is a example of the initial diaper influence path choice you'll come across during episodes 6-7 for the girls. (Keep in mind each of these scenarios will be unique to each girl based around their other events in the episode.)

[~Miki route episode 6: Diaper Influence initial path choice~]

Miki had a little too much to drink before class period begins, which results in her wetting her diaper without being upset about it.. But Erika takes notice of her wet diaper and urges that Miki goes to the nurse's office to get changed before they sent off on a scavenger hunt after class.

Erika being the worrywart, thinks if Miki is left alone. She will avoid going to the nurse's office, so Erika suggests you tag along with Miki to ensurer she makes it to the nurse's office.

While heading to the nurse's office, it's clear that Miki isn't too happy about her upcoming diaper change and so the player is given the following options to help set Miki on a given path of influence!

(A) [Potty Training Path] - Support Erika’s suggestion, trying to encourage Miki that getting her diaper changed sooner than later is probably for the best. Adding that she should try to be more mindful of using her diapers so carelessly while around others if she can help it. As Brandon follows her to the nurse’s office for her expected diaper change.

(B) [Diaper Lover Path] - Go against what Erika suggested, trying to encourage Miki that there’s nothing wrong with staying in a used diaper for longer periods if she wants to. He adds that if anything, Miki can get more use out of her diaper that way and lead to less diaper changes in a given day too. He lets Miki know he won’t say a word to his sister about it, as Miki is happy to continue the rest of the day in her wet diaper.

(C ) [Caregiver Path] - Brandon decides to take a more bold approach to the situation, gathering his courage to awkwardly suggest/offer to help change her diaper instead of having the nurse do it. This causes Miki to become awkward in response, not really sure how to reply to that as she just shrugs it off with giggling to herself before changing the subject as she gets her diaper changed by the nurse. (This sets up the following episodes to lead into more visual changes.)

This is only one example for one given girl, but this is roughly how this system first presents itself to the player. The following episodes will then have the player choose from choices that are directly related to their given path, that add to their experience along the way.

A rough example of this… Let's assume we're the player and we chose the Diaper Lover path above for Miki. We'll get some choices during Miki's episode 7, where the player has options to feel her dirty diaper, encourage her to wet/mess herself even more, etc.

Pretty much... Choices that feel like they're directly related to the influence path you're setting a girl on within the route. Stuff that feels rewarding and benefits you, the player in a much more personal game experience visually and beyond!

Another example of this... Let's assume we're the player and we chose the Caregiver path above for Miki. We'll get some choices during Miki's episode 7, where the player has options to suggest Miki hangs out with a pacifier in her mouth for a while or make comments that lean more into AB qualities, babying her in ways. Again, stuff that feels like it is rewarding and benefits you, the player for that personal experience.

Now those are just very light examples to help paint a picture of what to expect. The idea is that when players get into the routes... Your experience of the game could be pretty different compared to someone else who chose Miki's route.

(The overall character story won't be affected majorly by the influence system. What this means is that Miki has a set story that is to be told and the events surrounding that story buildup aren't changed due to your influence in major story breaking ways. What will change however is smaller scenes and of course visuals related to the diaper influence path system. This can lightly change some qualities about the ending you receive and other scenes, but remember.. Don't expect completely huge story outcomes based on this system.)

Let's actually treat you all to some visual previews now to wake you all up! :P

Are those...? Yes! Cloth diapers and pacifers for Erika, Miki and Rachel!! Remember the wall of text above? These cloth diapers and pacifier visuals are what you can expect to see not only in the sprite art, but also applied to cg art as variants for your personal experience!

This of course is for the [Caregiver Path] only. 

Aaand that's not all! Nova, Juliet and Heather have cloth diaper designs and pacifiers too! But wait... There's more!

Zoey, Lola and Bridget too!

We'll dive into some more text further below about the [Caregiver Path], but keep these visuals in mind!

What do you think? Pretty cute huh? Well... What if I said we're not done with previews? :O

Woah! Pull-up diapers?! That's right!! Just like the cloth diaper designs above, recall the text walls further above. These pull-up diapers are what you can expect to see not only in the sprite art, but also applied to cg art as variants for your personal experience!

This of course is for the [Potty Training Path] only.

Can't forget those adorable pull-up diapers for Nova, Juliet and Heather! :P

Along with Zoey, Lola and Bridget's pull-up diapers! ^^

We'll dive into some more text further below about the [Potty Training Path], but keep these visuals in mind!

You might be asking yourself... What about the [Diaper Lover Path]? That path doesn't technically offer a dramatic visual change to the sprites. What I mean is... The cast wear their normal diapers in that path, but as the name implies... You'll have more influence in seeing wet/messy diapers for sprites more often and in cg art, going to the max!

But let's get back into the text... Let's breakdown the three diaper influence paths and what you can expect a bit clearer for what they offer in terms of content to the player and how the system progresses along.

[~Diaper Influence Paths Breakdown!~]

(Some of this might be repeated, but these give a summary of each path and expectations. Again... Keep the expectations grounded, not to let them balloon into something we can't deliver without extreme path/branching needed. ^^")

[Potty Training Path]

This path is the idea that Brandon’s influence of pushing the girl to get changed by the nurse as soon as possible, along with urging them to be more mindful of when they use their diapers when they have no other choice naturally, is that little by little.. The girl begins to gain better control of when she has accidents around others in order to do it more privately and not in a sudden way, along with being overall more mindful of her diaper’s limits.

As the player proceeds down this path, the girl will make the swap from normal diapers into wearing pull-up diapers for the rest of the game as it continues. With that, she will have better control and only use her diaper when she has no other choice, which can include adult moments between them during the relationship, but it isn’t seen as her failing to become better at controlling her diaper use overall.

Knowing this about the pull-up diapers and being more often in clean diapers.. It affects scenes visually to reflect them wearing a pull-up diaper in their sprite art, cg art and of course there’s dialogue and scene differences to be seen from this path because of these differences. For instance.. A cg scene or moment that’d normally be an accident or showcase a dirty diaper, might now display a clean diaper, having an effect on the scenes in how they move along.

(This last sentence isn’t set in stone, as there might be scenes that revolve around a given accident feeling important to story aspects, take this mention with a grain of salt.)

For some characters like Juliet or Miki, in Juliet’s case.. She has a history of bedwetting from her past childhood that comes about at times even still. This offers a bit of a unique difference, where Brandon helps find solutions to her bedwetting problem that isn’t presented in other paths by default. In Miki’s case.. She has been known to wear diapers since a early age, so it really is from zero to one-hundred in actually potty training her properly and so that is something that isn’t presented in other paths to see.

As the game moves into the finale episodes with the story wrapping up, said girl would move on from pull-up diapers back into wearing underwear full-time again as Brandon succeeded in his potty training mission to help his girlfriend along the way.

~Exclusive content summary~
[1] - (Pull-up diaper visuals play a big part of this path for visuals.)
[2] - (Unique character aspects of their story/past being affected by being potty trained.)
[3] - (Less focus on accident content visually seen. But there will still be diaper use generally seen due to the nature of the school that is seen as variant/options.)
[4] - (Special dialogue through the routes for scenes that reflect how their potty training differs from some scenes.)

[Diaper Lover Path]

This path is the idea that Brandon’s influence of encouraging the girl to not get changed right away and instead, have her enjoy wearing or using her diaper to the fullest, is that little by little.. The girl begins to enjoy not only using her diapers more often around Brandon or others, but also, they begin to enjoy being in a wet or messy diaper for longer periods of time before having to start over with a fresh diaper.

This also affects scenes visually and dialogue wise in comparison to the potty training path. As it reflects showing the girl’s sprite in their used diaper during the episodes, but also cg art will reflect their used diaper state leading up to said cg scenes and lastly.. Dialogue and some scene differences are naturally different based on this path, considering the girl is in a used diaper while doing events.

As the player proceeds down this path, the girl will stay in her normal diapers with the main difference being that said girl is not only using their diapers more often around others, including Brandon.. But they don’t worry as much about controlling when they do use their diaper, being more free about doing it. The girl begins to also enjoy being in dirty diapers for extended periods of time before having to be changed, but there’s a limit on how long someone can stay in a dirty diaper realistically of course.

For some characters, similar to the potty training path. There will be some characters' stories that have a history or lean themselves towards the idea that they’re a bit awkward with becoming too used to wearing diapers.. Not just that, but also when they begin to find themselves either turned on or enjoying the aspect of being in a dirty diaper. For example.. Perhaps Nova comes to mind, where her humiliation goes hand in hand with this whole idea, but she’s worried about it becoming something she’s enjoying daily and turning it into more of a lifestyle outside of the academy. So there’s unique bits of story aspects that aren’t presented in other paths to be seen.

As the game moves into wrapping up the story.. Due to events the academy rules disappear. This would imply that student's could return to underwear, but this path would instead present the idea that the girl has come to enjoy wearing diapers. So much so, they have no intention on wearing underwear again. Brandon succeeds in helping his girlfriend into being a diaper lover for life, assumingly along with himself.

~Exclusive content summary~
[1] - (Normal diaper visuals are the typical experience with this path, but there’s more focus surrounding the girls being in dirty diapers visually.)
[2] - (Unique character aspects of their story/past being affected by enjoying diapers to their fullest.)
[3] - (More focus on accident related content visually seen.)
[4] - (Special dialogue through the routes for scenes that reflect how being in a dirty diaper differs or affects them in said scenes.)

[Caregiver Path]

This path is the idea that Brandon’s influence of encouraging or suggesting to change the girl instead of the nurse, leads to the idea of becoming the girl’s caregiver. This would mean that the girl looks to Brandon to change her diapers instead, building more trust in him along the way for someone other than the nurse to be allowed to see them in a vulnerable state. This affects the girl mentally into some adult baby qualities being displayed in their actions.

As the player proceeds down this path, the girl will make the swap from normal diapers into wearing cloth diapers for the rest of the game as it continues. This is due to the girl using their diapers beyond their limits and having to be forced into better protection for their accidents, but it also plays into the adult baby qualities that might play into humiliation a tad bit. This means that in terms of accidents, it’s on the level of the diaper lover path, but thanks to the cloth diapers protection.. It helps prevent embarrassing limits being reached, allowing them to fully use their diapers to the max.

Knowing this about the cloth diapers, along with some adult baby qualities. It can affect scenes visually to show them wearing a cloth diaper in their sprite art, cg art and of course having special dialogue and scene differences from the path. Added to this is the bonus of mini scenes that has Brandon changing the girl’s diaper without extreme visuals, but there are also choices that the player will have that’ll affect scenes to play into more embarrassing adult baby qualities.

For instance.. A cg scene or moment could see minor additions added to them that’s adult baby feeling. Things like pacifier use, minor childish talk, light embarrassing mentions, etc.

For some characters like Zoey or Heather possibly, in Zoey’s case.. There’s already the feeling that Brandon will be stepping in for Nathan as her personal babysitter at times, making sure she stays out of trouble and helping almost on the same levels of a caregiver. This means that the feeling would only increase further for her route, pushing things one step further and really playing into the caregiver role. Heather’s case.. It’d give a very unique experience given her personality and how she acts normally, really giving the feeling that in order to become her personal caregiver, it’ll require more work and push back from her.

As the game moves into wrapping up the story.. Due to events, the rules of the academy disappear similar to the [Diaper Lover Path] mention above. This would end up having the girl not only enjoy diapers, but also loves having a caregiver and feeling that way as a whole. They'll wear cloth diapers moving onto the future.

~Exclusive content summary~
[1] - (Cloth diaper visuals play a big part of this path for visuals, which includes dirty diapers and adult baby items like pacifiers seen, etc.)
[2] - (Unique character aspects of their story/past being affected by having a caregiver and acting a bit childish at times.)
[3] - (More focus on adult baby related content visually seen.)
[4] - (Special dialogue through the routes for scenes that reflect how their adult baby childish qualities differ from some scenes.)
[5] - (Special mini scenes that display diaper changes for the girls later into the routes as their trust is built up along the way.)


Finally! We reach the end... ^^"

It's a lot to take in and cover, but this has been a big announcement feature for MA that we've been slowly piecing together behind the scenes for a long time. Not only will it present the player with a more unique and personal experience beyond the different girls you can pursue for a relationship... But it'll also offer more gameplay that we hope will be fun and rewarding.

Our biggest mission with this system when first presented with the early drafts of how this whole thing would work as a whole... Was... No simple task to say the least! We had to go through the concept drafts and really hammer out exactly how this would work without allowing it to balloon out of control.

This was something we didn't want to rush into by any means. We have plans for lightly touching up episodes 1-5 in the future that improve on the gameplay choices, but think of this diaper influence system as a extention of the diaper accident choices seen in episodes 1-5, just expanded tenfold for what is affected. :P

Again, we're clearly aware of how complex a system like this can become for branching paths and we've completely considered all of that when figuring out how we want to implement this.

That all said, I think you all deserve a rest from the walls of text... ^^" Please let us know your thoughts though!


Larsen Lion

will brandon also be affected by choice? I imagine a lot being the last in the road diaper lover he also suggested that he use his diapers even more and that this affects his relationship with the other girls we can even imagine femdom situations with Heather who notices him and humiliates Brandon with for example ?


Due to the nature of these paths, it's more implied that Brandon's role in these paths to a degree might be in the same vein, but it might be more of a aiding role. But we'll be trying to look into offering differences where say.. You'll be in the Caregiver path and there's the choice to lean more into you the player being the caregiver, or you can lean more towards having your girlfriend take that role instead. We can't fully confirm this as we'll be working this system in with our foundation plans firstly and making sure it doesn't balloon out of control. We are noting down some mentions for consideration on how we toss in extra branching options with these paths. (Some stuff related to routes like Heather's for example, will still have it's effect on things. Like femdom situations are a given even without the path system in mind.)


It would be great to have the choice of being taken care of in the caretaker path


Love the addition of options when it comes to diaper sprites. However, aren't you forgetting something important? Plastic panties are an absolute necessity with cloth diapers in order to prevent leaks. Hopefully those will be added to the sprites at a later date.😁 Also, I hope there will be an option to switch between them at will via the settings rather than locking you into your choice from the start.


Eyup! ^^ Ideally our goal with the system is that it'll be a core function for the "gameplay". Which is silly to say, given the nature of most vn's... ^^" Still, it'll add variety to each player's experience to feel more unique and fitting. Cloth diaper expansion confirmed! :P Seriously though, thank you for the mention on that! We'll add it to the remaining sprite related list of stuff to do in the coming months. I think given the visuals of plastic pants/panties making it a bit difficult to see the visuals under. We'll probably attempt to include a option to allow players to see the cloth diapers with/without easily. ^^ We're still gathering notes on how to expand the Diaper Influence System, so we'll for sure try to add it in as planned so far and make sure some minor aspects sneak in with that. Ideally the goal is to expand and allow freedom to it in a way that gives each player their own unique experience when compared to even 20-30 other players when chatting about the game. :P (Of course, without letting the system become too overwhelming that we can't control it.)