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[There aren't any major spoilers in this post, so you're safe! :P]

Today I have a bit of a interesting preview to share, one that I haven't gone into too much detail about why or what is going on related to it. I'll lightly make some mentions about why we're seeing what I'm about to share with everyone, but a full exposure post will be needed before the route episode content is released that'll explain the system coming to the game. ^^

Okay! So as we head into the route content for the game, the students have casual clothing they brought with them to the academy of course. We can't expect them to wear their uniforms all the time as well can we? ^^" Typically most students find it easier to just stay in their uniforms through most days unless there aren't any classes for a day or two, then they'll be seen running around a bit more casually.

This is further backed during special family/friend visit related events, where students are encouraged to wear something more casual. On top of that, they're encouraged and allowed during this select time period to ignore the diaper wearing rule. This is because the school wants to keep a tight watch on having anyone from the outside catch onto anything that seems off about the school.

With that in mind.. This art preview focuses on showcasing and comparing the cast's casual outfits and the subtle differences between how the outfits look when paired up with underwear on vs if there's a diaper on.

Now.. You might be asking.. Why would the student's have their diaper on under their casual outfit? Technically even if there isn't class periods for a day or two, students still have to follow the diaper wearing rules even if they're wearing casual clothing. So, that's what we're looking at here today in this preview! :P

(That and there's more to it to be revealed later on in a bigger post while talking about a gameplay system being introduced to MA, but we'll get around to that later this month after we've released episode 5. ^^")

Let's jump into the comparisons of how the casual outfits look for the cast with underwear vs having a diaper on under their outfit!

~Artist Credits: Lisa

First up! Zoey! Pictured left is how her casual outfit looks with underwear on under her shorts. Pictured on the right is how her outfit looks with a diaper on under them instead. We can clearly see that the crotch area of her shorts is a bit more poofy and bulky, ideally similar to what might be expected in reality for how jean shorts might visually look when worn over a diaper.

Next, same thing as the previous image. On the left is the outfit with underwear, while the right is with a diaper on. With Lola's outfit here, it's a bit more subtle in differences because of how a skirt is more loose fitting compared to shorts. The big difference is her skirt length is a bit longer to help hide her diaper a tiny bit better when wearing one.

Lola again! Roughly the same sort of thing with her other outfit, since it's a loose fitting skirt, it's harder to really tell there's a diaper under there or not. The big difference here is that her skirt is shorter when wearing underwear, but her skirt is a tiny bit longer in length when she has a diaper on. 

Heather on the other hand has a bit of a tighter fitting skirt! On the left is how it'd look with underwear, on the right is how it'd look with her diaper on. We can get a bit of a subtle impression of the skirt giving off the outline of something a bit bulky near her crotch, but maybe it's not enough to raise concern for someone to point out either? (As if someone would dare try! ^^" )

Erika is a very subtle difference with her outfit seen here, same sort of thing. Left is with underwear on, right is with a diaper. The very slight difference here is how her hoodie forms on the side a bit, super subtle. Which is probably good for not bringing more attention to her. :P

Speaking of not wishing to bring attention to oneself! Rachel might want to invest in a little longer skirt! XD Same thing here, left is with underwear in mind, right is with a diaper in mind. We can see that the difference here is the skirt length grows a little to help cover up her diaper and if we look to the side of her hoodie around the waist/hip. We can see just a little impression of poofy bulkiness around where her hoodie tail is.

Juliet is probably the most subtle difference of all! ^^" I'll just point it out, look at her arm carefully between the two and you'll see that on the right.. Her dress comes out just a very tiny bit more, that's really it with this outfit. It makes sense though given her dress is loose fitting.

I saved one of the best for last! Nova has pretty short shorts that even allow her underwear to peek out slightly, but when wearing a diaper.. It'd seem her shorts choice is a little big more covering up to her belly button area, trying to hide her diaper the best she can! Of course looking at the crotch area, we can see there's a bit more bulky shape to it and even to the side of her jeans on the right when comparing them to the left.

That does it for this post! ^^ If you're wondering why Bridget or Miki are missing from the previews.. Well, simply put! Miki's casual outfits generally work already by default with underwear or diapers on in mind and Bridget's outfit is a loose fitting sort of overall skirt hoodie combo, so there isn't any subtle changes needed.

I'll have to wait to explain the gameplay system I lightly hinted at in this post later on, but it should make a bit more sense as to why the diapers are trying to be hidden a bit more with these outfits. :P

Hopefully you enjoyed these preview comparisons to be seen in the game soon! Our next sprite related previews will be related to Charlotte! So stay tuned for those later this month! ^^




Is the next update coming out soon? I’m very excited for it.


In the process of getting it out this month, last month was a bit unexpected with being sick and busy with sorting some personal stuff out. But this month forward should be looking at monthly releases again. ^^