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[This post may contain possible major spoilers linked to the character Nova for the game to be seen in content not yet released! This is your chance to turn back now or possibly spoil yourself further, you decide!]

I've got some early concept previews for cg art that'll be seen within v0.21 for Nova's route episode 6! This is a moment that hasn't been in the game before in the past, completely brand new, so without some context, it'll probably only tell half of what is going on exactly. ^^"

It's pretty clear what's going on, just trying to wrap our heads around just how this came to be. For that, I'll let you decide until it all comes together in v0.21 :P

(Finished previews for the cg scene will be shared in the coming days! There's about 8 total variants with this cg scene! Animated ones as well!)

[Final warning! Incoming art previews below!!]

~Artist Credits: MarxeDP & AjoseMp

Starting off... We can easily see where this is going. <.< Before jumping into it too much, it took us a few tries to figure out exactly what view/angle and general poses seen before settling. What you're looking at below is one of the early scrapped views.

Next, this is the settled on final view and poses we agreed on to move forward with the cg art. I do think compared to the view above, it's easy to see that we made the right choice. I guess my original line of thought with the previous view, was that I wanted to give some light fan-service by showing off Nova's butt as a bonus with this scene, but I think overall as we move along.. You'll see that we still managed to attain this. :P

As we move along, with the view and posing now figured out. We can begin to see progress being made to the characters hair, face, clothing, etc! I knew early on that there's a lot to process and unpack with this cg moment in-game, there's going to be quite a bit for players to gather and even very subtle things should help aid to Nova as a character. (For example: Seeing her in her night gown/pajamas with her hair let down, it gives off different impressions or how to process the feeling behind what's going on when we pair it with the context.)

This next one is very subtle, but I wasn't feeling the diaper looked quite right in the previous preview. So I had it thickened up more, which I hope was the right decision! :P

As we move along, we begin to see the two characters really come together in progress! Nova's diaper underwent a bit more thickening, we can begin to really process things better now!

Now we get into the real fun of it! Our first look at how the animated variant/frames roughly are looking when played together! ^^ These moments of offering animated bits into the cg moments more recently is something that we hope will not only boost the experience of MA overall, but something we generally hope many will love. (Should be noted, speed of the frames is clearly not final. ^^")

We're getting into the color phase! So far so good!

Finally, our last look at the concept previews! We see a near final look at the overall shading applied. I wish I had some early concept of the background seen, but by the time that progress showed up, it was super close to the final version of the cg art. ^^" So we'll have to wait until the finished preview in a couple days from now, but hope you have enjoyed this concept preview!




Very excited for this route! Love Nova, though I'm more ready for Heather personally


Glad to hear it! ^^ I can't say too much yet, but Heather's stuff to be previewed later this month will be the most complex out of Lola, Nova and Heather's focus in v0.21 :P (Lot of variant stuff going on.)