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Our 9th week of Throwback Thursday! In case you missed one of the previous ones, you can always take a look at them with the links below! Have a look and enjoy learning a little extra about your favorite character's growth during development! ^^

~Post was delayed due to the busy holiday plans~









When the project first began, it all started with placeholder 3d assets. Something that we can clearly see in the first image above. We can see on the left how Bridget originally looked with her 3d asset vs how she looks today in the game. So let's move into learning how she became the way she looks on the right, shall we? ^^

Fun fact #1: Did you know? Originally Bridget had the most concept changes? There was always different plans for her character throughout the early days before the game and even all the way up to more recently. She was intended to be more of a girl next girl, tomboy into gaming sort of character at her earliest concept long before Nova was even a thought.

If we take a look at the 2nd image, we can see it reflects just how much change has went into Bridget through development of the game! From left to right: The first early sketch design, followed by another early sketch but different design. Next is clean lines of the 2nd design, followed by a finished look of her 2nd design. Then moving beyond that we see her 3rd design early sketch, into a more polished look with slightly purple toned hair, before reaching the finalized design we have today!

Quite a lot of changes throughout development.. ^^" If I recall right. The first design was to be more closer to her original tomboy, girl next door vibe concept. But before we got to see that design get any further. I wanted to adjust Bridget's character as it felt like she would've been too similar to Nova in some ways or split the focus perhaps. Her 2nd design would give her more of a mature, serious tone. While her 3rd design was made to better focus on some fixes to her story and background history, as things were a bit darker for Bridget in early concept that wasn't going to move forward.

Fun fact #2: Did you know? Bridget was actually the first female character for MA? Before the game, when it was still based on a rough comic using 3d assets. Bridget was one of the first female characters created and intended to be the spotlight character actually. This kind of changed around later though as the comic didn't have a real focus on story and later I'd unofficially make Miki the icon character for MA.

[Design concept]

Taking some of what we know above about Bridget for her concept design. My original thoughts for her character was two main things. One being that she was intended to be the spotlight icon style character for the series and the other thing being that she was to be this girl next girl, tomboy into gaming. Gaming was a big thing with her character, but there's plenty of ways for that to be seen and just how a character involves gaming as part of their big hobby or what not. <.<

For example I could've had her be more of a geeky, shut in or socially awkward character that's into gaming. Which would change things majorly for how someone heavily into gaming could be compared to with her.

I guess with her concept design, it goes way back to the comic. Which is where the above mentions make more sense for her, but when the game development was starting up. I originally had it in mind that Bridget had a bit of a darker story to tell with her past, which would play into a split personality. One that was her true self that we see for the most part vs her online persona being used as a escape, coping means. I won't go into great detail about her old concept story as it's a lot to explain, but it has themes of exploitation for the greater good of her situations in the past, but at a cost to her own mental state to say the least.

Yeaaah... <.< It would've been pretty dark of a story, something that I had troubles with on how I wanted to even go about doing it and in the end. Thanks to some overall game direction changes being made in late 2020, it made sense to me to start fresh with her character completely in visual design and story.

Some challenges I've struggled with for this character includes.. Overall obvious direction. ^^" What I mean, is that Bridget was intended to be a main character, while Juliet was going to be a side character. This changed a few months into development as Juliet's story felt bigger than Bridget's in the grand scope of things, which I think was a good change even to this day.

The other struggles for Bridget being that her intended personality and everything struggled with it's meaning. Since Nova was the newcomer to MA as a visual novel, it felt like after I focused on building up Nova's background and setting her up to be the tomboy of the cast. It sort of pushed Bridget out of the spotlight in that regard, but there was still the whole personality of Bridget revolving herself around her streaming career and gaming to help her stand out. The only problem with that is that it felt to me like I didn't really know how to make her character pop out as much as the other main cast.

Without going on and on further, the sum of it is that Bridget as a character struggled greatly along the way in concept design to where she is today. ^^"

In late 2020, Bridget would receive a complete overhaul in visual design and character design. I wanted to really sit down and go through her character, making her feel like she'll pop out a bit more in her scenes through the game and feel a bit more lively. I wanted to keep some aspects about Bridget around for fans, but still give off the impression that she's been completely redesigned.

Some aspects of Bridget from her old design to the current one include..

Trying to keep her hair color a bit similar, but kind of failing.. ^^" I wanted to make sure she was still considered the red head of the cast, but I saw just how she looked with the red tone used now, that I really loved how it looked more so.

Generally with her body type, I wanted to keep things roughly the same, give her a bit more of a very subtle slim tone in areas. Her eyes would stay the same color, but her face would change in shape a bit to be softer and a bit more lively/playful toned in her expressions.

While it's still early with what we've seen of Bridget in-game so far based on her current design. I don't want anyone to think she's too similar to Miki or even Zoey in their playful nature. Bridget does have a interesting piece about her personality that helps her come off a bit more playful and lively, but overall her character should feel like we'll see a better side of her very soon in episode 5.

Moving on! Bridget's personality was changed with the redesign and some things remained the same, but in different ways too. Those include...

Her interest/hobby for gaming wouldn't change and actually it'd be mixed into a new aspect about Bridget. Her being a chunnibyo, which to explain it simply. She believes she's been gifted with special powers to make her unique, this comes into her gaming sessions when it shines the most. She makes a big show out of her gaming, for example in a fighting game she might pull off a finishing blow while making it super dramatic and almost as if she's putting on a play for those around her. (These moments help at times for comedy.)

But the main thing about her chunnibyo aspect is that it's linked into her gaming hobby/interest and also she still has her career with streaming games.

One thing that I knew had to be intermixed into the new design was her old persona "Bridgybear" as part of her little outfit she'll be seen wearing often times. It plays into her chunnibyo aspect as she believes that when wearing her outfit, it's the source of her power, etc. (You can sort of get a sense for how silly things can get in the future for her character.) But her outfit would play into looking like a bear hoodie because of this.

With her new character redesign, I wanted her to come across as being a bit more lively, fun in her own way. It wouldn't matter if she's gaming or doing school activities, she'd come across as a fun character to be around.

One thing that comes from her old character design and we'll see very soon in episode 5 is that Bridget knows how to be teasing in her own way still. Maybe not on the level of Lola in this regard, but she knows your weak spots at times to say the least. :P

I can't say too much about her secret kink yet, but I hope it'll appeal to some of you out there and all I can say about it, is that it shouldn't be extreme to turn anyone away from her. To put it simply, it'll feel similar in tone to Miki's "secret" of liking diapers being her kink. :P

With that, I think that about sums up this week's throwback! I know Bridget hasn't had much screen time yet to really judge her, but I hope with episode 5, it'll help sway some of you into wanting to go into her route! It'll be full of gaming adventures and chunnibyo fun!



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