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Brief summary for those joining us late. We're discussing and voting on possibly adding pull-up diapers into MA. We're trying to find a solution for how to add them that fits within the context of MA's story/world setting and also make sure that it's handled in a way that keeps everyone happy.

It should also be aware to everyone that the potty rules of the academy doesn't change. So even with normal or pull-up diapers, students aren't allowed access to the restrooms. The idea with this in mind is that when wearing a pull-up, said student needs to be aware of their limits in using them, if they need to use it during activities. (If accidents get out of hand past the limits of said pull-up, they'd have a fitting punishment as a result.)

Continuing some highlights from previous polls for discussion. Below are some discussed concept ideas on possibly adding pull-up diapers.

First I'll list some discussed topics that probably are less likely due to one reason or another.

[Toggle on/off feature! While this seems like a easy go to method for the best of both worlds. Those who like normal diapers vs pull-ups can easily just toggle the option to only view normal diapers or vice versa, etc. This is sadly something we can't quite figure out how to implement into the engine without a ton of extra time needed and the more we add to toggle on/off features for other effects or visuals, the worst it would be for development. It's something we haven't given up on for all visuals, but we'd have to first find a solution that works without increasing our development time for release cycles majorly. So sadly for now this option is put aside.]

[Pull-ups replace underwear! This concept sadly kind of goes against some story elements without major spoilers. The less spoiler summary is that during the game, there's certain academy events or family holiday visit periods opened up to the public/family. During said events, it's clear that the academy doesn't want their students running around with any sort of diapers on in the off chance there's a glimpse or peek at what's under their skirts, etc. While pull-ups might have designs that are closer looking to underwear, it might still sort of stick out just enough where it'd be clear to some. I assume for family visits parents would sort of know the visual difference of a pull-up vs underwear. The idea against the above is that no one would probably make a big fuss in-game about seeing a pull-up once, but during their visit if two, three or more girls accidentally flashed the same person. It might raise concern.] (Added to the above: There is a mention that the academy could use a vial of something to make people forget about certain sights seen and all that to aid in this concept, but it seems like it'd be leaning more on the academy purposely going out of their way to cause more trouble for them. Instead of just playing it safer and resort to said memory wiping vials as their code red situations.)

[Cloth diapers! This was a suggestion rather, but right now we're just trying to focus on figuring out if it'd be possible to have pull-ups added without causing a uproar from fans. Maybe in the future we can include this as possibly part of a punishment even.]

[New characters can wear pull-ups! This concept seems kind of short lived in a way. While it's a neat idea that'd make sense for say new transfer students while they're waiting for their custom diapers to be made specially for them. It would be pretty short lived I'd assume. For example the guys at the start would wear pull-ups for their first day or two, etc. Possibly, but shortly after that they'd receive their normal diapers custom made to them and that'd be the end of that. For girls, most of the cast we see in the game have been there already for some time before the guys showed up. So it wouldn't really apply to them with this concept.]

Now for some discussed topics that are probably more likely to be voted on and picked for adding pull-up diapers into MA.

[Sporty activities! This concept idea makes it so that pull-up diapers are only used during more sporty activities seen within the game. This would include: Gym class periods, club functions like kickboxing, gymnastics, etc. The nice part about this concept is that we can still balance out in-game events so that characters who are more sporty like Nova, won't always been seen in pull-ups for the whole game because of this concept. Based on existing moments already... We'd see Nova's intro in the locker room displaying her in normal diapers, then during practice later in that same ep 2. She would be in her pull-up after changing to her gym uniform. The next time we see her in ep 3 during the nurse's office would show her in normal diapers, along with ep 4 showing her in class with normal diapers on. Then without major spoilers ep 5 would show her with pull-ups on, just to give a good idea on how often even a sporty character like Nova would be seen in either or.] (Added to the above: We'd have to adjust the school's already existing rules to make a mention of this side rule/exception in a way so it's not seen as too complex. Could possibly also be up to the student to wear pull-ups if they wish during these activities, but it would make more sense for them to wear for easier movements.)

[Original concept! Pull-up diapers are seen more as a status symbol around the academy. Students who have been attending for a longer time at the school that are well behaved, staying out of trouble and not being punished. Along with having a track history of not pushing their normal diapers to their limits or beyond have earned the right to wear pull-up diapers custom made to them. It's seen more as a reward, but of course said characters who earned this right most likely aren't like Miki who might find it fun to push things to the limit. ^^"] (Added to the above: The downside to this concept is that if someone in the cast earns this status symbol, it might feel odd if they end up losing their right or what if they never lose their right? They'd be forever seen in pull-ups for the game, plus it'd be more limited to set characters who earned this right.)



Since it seems that there isn't a unanimous opinion that would make everyone happy, how about you just focus on working on the game and then add pull-ups as content after development is done?


No worries! ^^ We're of course going to continue to work on the game without any side interruptions regardless, but this is more of gathering the information for later down the road in development in a sense. We're mainly just checking to see if there is a solution that wouldn't upset many who already love the game as it stands and even if we don't reach a conclusion, simply just going forward without pull-ups in mind. Then that's okay too. (Main important thing is we're by no means looking to halt what we're normally doing to quickly push this into the game in any shape. Highest priority is our normal content release cycles as we speed up and wrap up this year, prepping for a better year in 2022. ^^ )