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[One vote per person! Use it wisely!]

Okay, let me explain! ^^"

So this has been a very rough concept idea that's been floating around since the early days of development for Messy Academy. The idea being that MA would include pull-up diapers for characters, but here's the context behind all of that.

The context is that students often take diaper exams to see if their custom made diapers aren't working perfectly for them and need to be upgraded every so often. But there's the flip side against that, if a student doesn't have any issues with their current custom diapers. It goes down in their record and as time goes on and they keep up good behavior.

They're granted special treatment with not having to wear the big bulky normal diapers and instead, they get to wear pull-ups. (The design/pattern of their custom diaper applies similar to their pull-up.) It's mainly seen as a status thing at the academy, because of how hard it is for students to get put into pull-ups.

So now that you all know this little rough concept idea and how it would work in MA. We'll move onto the main point of this poll.

Since the early days of this rough concept idea floating around, my main concern that I had with actually going through with it, was that there's a divide between the diaper community vs pull-up community? Or rather there's a bit more niche for interest in pull-ups?

Keeping this in mind, that let's say for example.. Nova has been at the academy for a good few years. So maybe she by default when meeting her for the first time, she has pull-up diapers already for being well behaved and passing her diaper exams often. Now with that in mind, that's assuming that for Nova, we'd most likely not see her in normal diapers if she's already made it to pull-ups.

So what I'm trying to get at is asking everyone if they'd like to see pull-ups introduced into MA similar to the rough concept mentioned above for select characters? Or would this be a bad call if say one of your favorite characters would only be seen wearing pull-ups moving forward? Let us know by voting below! ^^
[Also the thought of making this purely a visual toggle on/off setting in the game did come to mind, but similar to other visual toggle on/off ideas. It might possibly be too much complex variables and headache in actually pulling it off.]



Diapers are diapers. Pullups are pullups. If regular underwear is banned by Kaikaku Academy, pullups should be as well, don't ya think?😁👍 In other words, I think the game is good as is. Unless you wish to start a slippery slope where next thing we know panties and boxers will be allowed by the school (I guess diapers aren't to be worn at all times after all🤣), you dig? Lol.


Pullups could be an addition, but students are only allowed them for certain activities/occasions such as sports and open days.


I guess that would depend on a few things. Do the girls still have to use their pull-ups like diapers, with no potty privileges? And can one be demoted back to diapers?


I like the idea of Pull-ups as a replacement for panties more than I do as one for diapers; it also doesn't make sense for Nova, who *messes herself twice in game* to be in pull-ups, really. They seem better as something to fail out of than to be promoted into.


Gotcha! ^^ And that's completely okay to like the game as it stands, the last thing I want to do is forcefully include something that'll cause a divide or ruin the current experience already so we're not looking to rush head on into this without and even if we do, we'd want to make sure it's the best way of handling it without stepping on toes of those that don't want it, etc. :P I do have to ask just out of curiosity, I know pull-ups are meant to be seen more as training diapers er even seen as underwear maybe? But I thought they're still considered closer to diapers, just without as much protection as normal diapers offer. Currently without major spoilers, there's rare times like holiday family visits or school events that open the academy up to the public for a day or two. Which is ideally when the academy goes against their 24/7 diaper wearing rule only for the select period of time. (That way students don't accidentally flash their diapers and cause concern for the outsiders. I can't comment on why students wouldn't just whisper something to their family member, but there's some barriers in place in preventing information from leaking out of the academy. :P ) Of course pull-ups wouldn't be ideal during those special moments above as it'd still raise concern.


This is actually pretty good! It could make sense physically with the sports idea, that for example when meeting Nova and watching her kickbox. She has a pull-up on and it's explained that some sport activities at the academy are allowed access to pull-ups for better movement. (Plus then it keeps the idea in check that after said sport activity, they'd have to still put their normal diapers back on.)


I should've probably mentioned that within the post.. ^^" But yes, ideally the rules are still the same in having to use their pull-ups like their normal diapers. There could be the idea that they can still be demoted back to normal diapers if they're not able to prevent accidents from becoming too overwhelming for their pull-ups. (Without showing graphical images) If they can't moderate themselves to prevent leaks or what not, it'd be similar to how diaper exams would work where a student has their diaper upgraded further to help prevent those, but in this case it'd be taking away their pull-ups and putting them back in their normal ones.


I can see some points here ^^ I guess the one big concern with pull-ups becoming a replacement for underwear during special times, would be that the academy wants to hide what's going on at the school from the public or their families. So they might not wish to take their chances in case there's any unwanted upskirt flashes in the slightest to raise concern. I have seen some stuff floating around where they do that sort of character in pull-ups can't handle it and fail out of them, being placed back in diapers again because of it and some elements of humiliation from it. This could still be seen in that way, but the first part of it would be seeing pull-ups more as a status symbol among students. (Clearly they worked hard to earn the right to wear them vs normal diapers, so they might have more respect from other students, etc. Because trying not to leak or other concerns with their normal diapers could be pretty difficult.) But on the same flip of the coin, if said student suddenly begins having issues with their pull-ups. They'd be demoted back to normal diapers again and would've failed in that way. Pretty interesting mentions so far from this topic/poll overall, once again we're not looking to rush into anything that'd create a split among the community of fans for MA. Naturally with the concept being floating around for almost 2 years and some ideas around it slightly changing in time, it's something that isn't a major urgent concern if we've held off on doing anything with it this long. :P

Wittwe AB Grw

If pull ups do get added think cloth should be a level down from regular


Cloth diapers could be something possibly! Might be a while, since it seems for or against pull-ups might take some time to fully consider before we even see it included into MA. ^^" Thanks for the suggestion!


Maybe Pull-ups could be worn only by new characters, while the old ones stick to the classic, or maybe it could be a player choice


It's a possibility. :P Not too many more new characters to come though, ideally a player choice would be even better. Just have to do some research into it further to see about that sort of thing and how complex it would be to pull off.