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[Future Content details ahead, read on or view only if you wish! We don't go into great detail explaining the cg scenes, but enough to get an idea for what is going on at points in upcoming episode content.]

Long term supporters/fans might recall the memorable introduction of Bindy (Charlotte), along with Miki's unique little made up game of hoovernatch from long ago. Well, I'm happy to say we're going to be putting you front and center into the Miki fun! :P

There's a total of 9 variants that play out and this would be the 5th cg scene out of 7 in total planned for episode 5 coming with v0.20 of the game. ^^

Now I wonder... <.< Wasn't there more than just hoovernatch silliness that took place originally? Perhaps my memory is slipping, I could've swore there's some embarrassing that happened to Brandon... Oh well! Guess we'll have to see in the not too far off future! :P

Artist Credits: MarxeDP




Is it just me, or did Miki undergo a significant growth spurt? Don't get me wrong, I love the pic, but Miki definitely looks a lot more mature in this image than her initial iteration (not complaining either, I actually like her appearance better here. Perhaps sometime in the future, you can update her earlier sprites to match this new look)👍❤


Awesome, can't wait to see some Charlotte she's one of my favorite side characters right now


Lol! I'll admit I probably spent a little more than I'd have liked to comparing this cg scene to previous Miki one's and also the sprite, wondering if maybe there's something I'm not seeing. :P I have noticed some cg art does make characters look pretty different based on the layout and lighting going on, but I'm guessing this might be one of those cases where the cg artist vs sprite artist have their own subtle differences when drawing the characters. (Maybe Miki looks a bit more mature with her face area? Or is it more how her body size seems? Lol :P Now I'm curious to double check it over. ^^ )


Very happy to hear that! ^^ She's such a fun character to write for and I'm excited because well, if anyone is here reading comments. It's clear Charlotte is showing up in ep 5 and so it'll be fun to finally get back to writing for her. :P


I'm just saying that, for a character intended as one of the relationship routes, Miki just seemed a bit too close...put mildly...to being exactly how she acts (I have Asperger's, so I'm definitely not bashing the autism thing, which I think you did a really good and indeed quite wholesome job in regards to it's portrayal). Her looking so young, however, was where I started having a bit of concern as of late, especially for once the game is finished (While I and the majority if your followers may not take too much issue with it, the general public would not be so kind, even more so with the ABDL aspect involved (I fear the possibility of you being flamed with accusations of the 'P' word by the ignorant masses later down the line). Thus why this new look is appealing to me (not only does she look good here, but she actually looks like a college-aged student, despite her shorter stature). Please know I am not trying to sound mean. I am only trying to help, especially in regards to avoiding the worst aspects of modern society's prejudices.


No worries! ^^" Sorry, I couldn't fully see the difference in this cg scene vs the previous ones for Miki. I wasn't sure if maybe you were trying to do a subtle joke in a way like... "Miki hit a growth spurt, etc, etc." But you were subtly joking that Charlotte seems like she could probably be how Miki would look or what not lol. (My bad, figured maybe you weren't joking but while trying to think it over I wasn't sure. :P ) I think one thing that might be causing this recent cg scene to give off a more mature look for Miki, is maybe the angle/view, lighting of the scene playing into it and posing, etc. I can't say for sure, but the only cg scene I can see a decent difference in is her cg scene when she tripped in ep 1 vs the others cg's. (Mainly in her comically silly expression style there?) I do understand the concern and thankful for the heads up naturally, I am aware people out there will jump at the first moment they can towards plenty of things. It's one of those things that I've been trying ensure writing wise and bringing characters to life, that they come off as feeling like the ages they're supposed to be. (Of course that's subjective as some will probably say someone 18 years old acting a bit more childish than others can't be possible fictionally or real life.) Once again regarding all of this, sorry I sort of got confused by everything at first. ^^" I understand your concern though completely and not taking it in a bad light! &lt;3 ^^