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As many of you might've seen last month, our creator tool for MA was finished and so naturally within some free time over the past few weeks, I've been going through the list of bg students that were from v0.14 that'll be seen once again. (Actually seen this time! :P )

It's been fun trying to go back through old scripts written up and pulling what little information in writing I have from back then to visualize just how these characters should look. If you're new to MA and haven't played v0.14, you might not know these characters or recall their names being mentioned, but for older supporters/fans. You might recall these names from long ago. :P

Let's jump into it here quick.

The top left three students is the swim team. The top right two students are in the gaming club. The bottom left four students are in cheerleading. The bottom right two students we have Roxie who is in the literature club, while Sakura is in the cooking club.

We have a few other students that are missing that'll be seen in another post like this to come.

With the introduction of v0.20 coming later this month roughly expected, we'll end up seeing a few of these characters along with some of the Patreon oc characters within ep 1-5. So in general v0.20 will be a perfect timing for newcomers to MA, but also for those keeping up to date. It'll be a perfect time to refresh yourselves on the earlier episodes and play through everything as a collective before routes.

Anyways! Hope you all enjoy this little preview of some other students roaming the halls of the academy!

Artist credit: Lisadikaprio



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