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This might come as a bit of a surprise to many, but we're making some minor adjustments to the diaper designs for Miki and Nova mainly.

Why is that? Well when looking over the designs and trying to keep things spoiler free about the meaning behind the diaper designs for each student at the academy. I've felt like these two characters have very similar themes going on for their diapers and in some way, it didn't really help either of them too much.

On the flip side, I also was aware that being this far into development. People are probably used to these designs since the start of MA, so we didn't want to make crazy major changes. We wanted to keep Nova's diaper color theme as red because it's pretty iconic for her at this point and for Miki her blue color seems fitting, so no changes were made to that.

The main changes made can be seen pictured, but the idea mostly comes from adjusting Miki's design away from having hearts seen as a focal point. Because it was too similar if you see the two character's lower half of their diapers at times.

With Miki I wanted to put more of a focal point around the subtle idea that she's into this magical girl, still very much a kid at heart idea. So there's less focus at the front or back of her diaper unless you go further up to see the big magical power styled heart on the back or if you get high up on the front to see her magical girl logo/icon for her wand. The subtle parts are small sakura flowers and cute styled hearts seen in pink on the blue sidings of her diaper.

With Nova I knew there wasn't too much I could do or really that I needed to do much for changes. I don't want to spoil the lore/story idea for anyone that might not be aware of the meaning behind each student's diapers just in case, but to lightly comment on it and put it simply. It felt like given Nova's character, there wasn't too much else to focus on outside of being a bit more girly love themed but not quite full blown "girly" looking. This plays into something about Nova, but I'll leave it at that since I don't want to give it away.

Anyways, for Nova I just wanted to add some subtle adjusting to make the hearts a bit more girly or cutesy compared to how they were before, along with covering more of the front/back of her diaper. There is now light blue polka dots spread around the front/back as well and the biggest change being a logo/icon at the top front "Cute Baby".

As you can probably tell just by looking at the changes in the picture, it shouldn't feel too dramatic of a change to those who really liked their diaper designs since the start. (Least I hope so! ^^")

There are some other sprite related previews to come this month or possibly early into August, nothing too major though. On a note for oc characters from our KS tiers and in general for MA...

Lisa (Our sprite artist) will be tackling the first of our KS oc characters here by late August. I'll personally reach out to those who are waiting and let them know who is being tackled first and give a rough estimated month to expect your oc to be finished.

Those of you with finished oc characters done since last year, we're going to be adding many of them into v0.20 along with the quality of life content being added, so stick with us a tiny bit on that as we'll be making sure there's some fitting moments in ep 1-5 that show them popping up. ^^




All in all good choice i noticed this too by any chance will miki have a rear print, if so i would suggest something cute that points to her diaper "acceptance" ways.


Glad to hear it! ^^ She will have something on her rear end of her diaper, a magical power styled heart that's pink. (A big heart outline with a smaller heart outline inside of it.) We'll have some previews of some minor adjustments being made to cg art that'll show these changes and other changes off as the week goes on. :P