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It's been a while since our last preview look at the Sprite Creator tool, so let's dive into a more complete look at it. :P

So if we look at the main image being previewed, there's a lot going on..

In the upper left hand corner we can see just how many hairstyles are there to choose from, of course the option to change their hair color is easily there with it. Originally I was shooting for 6-8 hairstyles, but I decided to toss a few more onto the list to get done and so here we are. :P

To the right side of the image there's a display of all the outfits to choose from. There will probably be a need for some club related outfits in time, but for now I didn't want to have too much time spent on the tool when there's other stuff to get done too for sprite focus.

On the very left, we see just how the diaper pattern design stuff works in the event we need to show off any bg characters.

In the middle top area, we can see the three poses offered. I'd like one or two more decently neutral poses that work well, but for now this should be okay.

Lastly on the bottom middle area, we can see the skin tone ranges that can be picked from.

~Moving on~

The tool is nearly finished, with the average body type and chubby body types finished, but we're still waiting on the slim body type to be finished. The other images show a few example of some bg characters from the game so far that's been created using this tool to give some idea as to what the limits of the tool are.

I will say that some of these characters seen might be placeholder sprites, meaning at a later date they might have changes made to them.


We have just the slim body type to do and this tool will be finished. ^^ Once again for right now the tool isn't being offered to supporters or fans, mainly since its purpose was for dev related processes. There is a chance that sometime in the future once Lisa and I discuss more about it, that we could figure out how to proceed with allowing it as maybe a perk for being a supporter or something else.

Of course it'd be a one time purchase to gain access to it, just to keep in mind.

Artist credit: LisadiKaprio



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