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[Just a heads up for anyone new. This is our post pre-release for new content, it'll highlight all the new content being added with this new version. Once again, this is not the release post for v0.19. A separate post labeled "v0.19 release post (Download) will be posted sometime later.]

[v0.19 is shaping up to release July 4th later in the night, based on CST timezone. It's rare once this post is made, but in the worst case. There may be issues that arise to cause some minor delay by a couple hours normally, at very worst the following day in the morning/afternoon depending on weekend/weekday.]

~V0.19 content~


-Some light wording fixes from episode 3.

-New variable added to episode 1 during tickle fight. (tickle miki, unlocks difference in ep 4)

-Transferring saved data from Version 0.15+ should work. Reminder that I believe you need to have said saved date close to the end of a episode for it to work correctly.

~New content~

-Episode 4 has been added. (15,000 word count)
-Episode 4 has new received music.
^-[Roaming the Halls]
^-[Gliding through the Bustling Halls]
-Karissa Eskin sprite added to ep 3.
-New choices added to ep 3 wedgie event. (messy accident)
-New visual effects for cg art added. (fart, stink, messy diaper.)
-Rachel cg scene in ep 2 has been fixed with minor new visual effects.
-Erika wedgie cg scene in ep 3 has been fixed with minor new visual effects.
-New cg art has been added to Episode 4. (3 scenes in total. 15 variants/pieces.)
-Splash screen art for Episode 4 has been added.


Where is my OC background character?

Lisa (our sprite artist) is a bit busy with college related studies, but I assure you they're slowly working along on new stuff behind the scenes and our roadmap for the remaining KS oc's is still shaping up to be fully finished by early next year.

Sometime in Q1 2022, we'll see about opening up oc requests as a tier reward on Patreon. First we want to ensure what we have now and in the future can fit into the game okay before adding more. We'll keep everyone fully informed a full month ahead before we even open the reward up.

Why did this release take longer than previous releases? Are you getting burnt out?

As many of you already know by now, some might not. I'll give the quick run down.

v0.18 released a little around mid February. v0.19 was planned for mid/late March.

During March & April mainly, behind the scenes. I had tax issues to handle, it's a long story, but I've never dealt with 1099K forms until this year and between working my day job, fitting time in for writing and managing everything project wise, along with preparing my own tax files or information to help get things settled before taxes were due.

It was a lot of stress for one person to take on, so it of course affected v0.19 progress pretty badly during those months, I'd be extremely lucky if I managed 1000 words within a week during March/April.

My tax situation didn't end until mid May, about 4-5 days before the tax cut off period to pay in for taxes. There was a lot of tax information to provide and consider with professionals, how to handle commission fees/costs going back into the project, which is the main source of income for the 1099K forms. Would it look weird or very quickly trigger issues with the IRS on my butt? Extra things that I wanted to be 100% right about this first year, so that moving forward into 2022. I'm not stressing out or even worrying about the situation, now that I am more aware of the general process.

A good chuck of episode 4 was being fixed up and plans to get it out during May, then early June, before the delay became weekly and that probably didn't feel so good for supporters/fans to get their hopes up.

For that, I'm truly sorry and even still with this post. With episode 4 when the release post is made with content out there. It won't be enough, for some of you out there. Your trust in us will have to be earned back by us in time of steady content updates monthly again and we're aware of that, prepared for it. We only hope to prove it where it counts and hope we can provide you all with some really great content to make up for it.

~Known or possible issues being looked into~ (feedback very helpful! <3)

-Nothing that I am aware of. If you think you found a visual bug or have a major game breaking issue, etc. Please let me know using our email:  Messyacademy@hotmail.com or on the server's discord, patreon messages, etc.

~Roadmap of upcoming game updates~
(Below is a rough outline of what we expect, it isn't to be taken as set in stone until released.)

V0.20 (July 30th-August 8th)
-Episode 5 added.
-Music added to Episode 5.
-4+ cg scenes added.
-Special Episode 5 splash art for choosing a girl. (gui)
-Quality of Life changes added.
^-[OC bg characters added to ep 1-5]
^-[Minor grammar fixes, light dialogue/text adjustments]
^-[New choices/variables added to ep 1-5]
^-[Bg character sprites added to ep 1-5]
^-[New variants for existing cg art added to ep 1-3]

V0.21 (August 31st-September 10th)
-Episode 6 added. (3-4 girl's routes)
-Music added to Episode 6.
-3-4+ cg scenes added.

End of changes.


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