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I know the wait for v0.19 or v0.18 for public has been taking us more than expected, so I'm sorry for the delays. >.<

I have some lightly bad news to share with everyone, followed by some light good news hopefully.

The bad news is that I honestly believe trying to get these releases ready in the next 48 hours before June will be impossible at where we're standing right now on dev work with it. I'd rather give the heads up though, as it'll allow many of you to decide how to proceed with support into June until you see new releases from us again.

The slightly good news is that with where we're standing on the next releases. I can honestly say we can expect v0.18 & v0.19 to release by June 4-5th, maybe an extra day or two wiggle room at the very worst case scenario, but I honestly don't see it needing to be any longer of a wait than that time.

<.< I know this isn't the best news, even the "good news" part, but once again we're also working on episode 5 and with how the schedule is going for that. We can expect episode 5 to release by the end of June and the rest of 2021 will focus on the route episodes! (Finally!)

We hope everyone understands, our start with 2021 hasn't been too great, but we hope to make up for it fully with the rest of this year and into 2022.



Eh 🤷‍♂️ such is life with these kinds of things taking your time always pays off in the end. But the transparency is as always appreciated.


Thanks for understanding! &lt;3 I do hope that once we get this released and continue our schedule, things will begin to ramp up again though. ^^