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I know things have been pretty quiet than normal here and I'm sure many are wondering where episode 4 release is and everything.

Well! First off I'd like to just say for the tenth time or so, that I'm sorry that it's been taking super long for this release. Things are on track again and as a 100% safe goal, we will see episode 4 release before the end of May.

I've been preparing ahead with episode 5 already and work has begun forward with that episode. I have it figured out that with my schedule for writing from Mon-Fri for 2-3 hours a night, that we're looking at a June 25-28th release for episode 5, making it release very quickly after episode 4.

This will be our goal moving forward once again is roughly getting new releases out every 30-40 days tops.

I'll leave it at that for now, as there isn't really too much else to say. <.< My hope is that once episode 4 is out there and we see more details on episode 5 and it releasing around June 25-28th, that it'll start to fall together as planned and everyone will be able to see it taking place.

I just wanted to give another heads up as I know it's been pretty quiet news wise and every couple days or so I tend to get some comments or messages asking for a update lol. It's understandable though! I don't blame anyone as it's been faaar too long with this release!

Anyways with that in mind, I hope everyone has been doing well and maybe enjoying some of the art previews in the mean time? :P Tons of exciting stuff going on with the visuals for cg art to be seen very soon! We'll be focusing on offering players the toggle option to turn discoloring of diapers on/off as preference sometime this Summer. ^^
