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I know everyone is eagerly awaiting to see that episode 4 released and I promise we're getting the finishing aspects done for it. I believe the wait will be well worth it once everyone sees the cg art with the context dialogue/text playing out, some very fun stuff going on in the episode over all. :P

But I wanted to do a very little news update to mention that finally after what feels like forever... The tax situation is finally over! I just went in to my local tax place yesterday to pay for their services and went online to pay the federal and state taxes owed related to the project.

With that fully out of the way, I believe I have a good understanding on how to prepare myself for next year in filing the taxes and we won't see any crazy delay like this ever again. It was just very new to me in how it all worked for 1099K forms and there was concerns with having Paypal double reporting what we earned from Patreon that was already being reported, etc.

So that's a big stressful relief off my back personally, as I am the one managing and running things as the creator.

I don't want to give an exact date to expect episode 4's release yet, but I'd like to say this weekend is looking like a safe bet and of course with more news that I receive on the state of it's editing and engine work. I'll be sure to keep everyone informed 24 hours before the actual release.

The good news is during this, writing for episode 5 is already underway ahead of time, along with our cg artist getting ahead. So we can expect to see episode 5 release by the first week or two into June roughly. (Could be sooner) ^^

Big thanks to everyone for being so understanding during this awkward timing of things and supporting us along the way! <3


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