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Just wanted to quickly do a shout out once again, a big thank you to all the awesome supporters for last month and for choosing to support us leading into April! ^^

We know things are a bit crazy right now and it was like that with our previous release of Miki's Dream, but the goal and hope in mind is that the tax situation taking place is shaping up to be settled and tackled within the next two weeks while we're getting ep 4 finished and released sometime April 10-15th area.

With the tax situation no longer around by around that same time, the hope is that we can fully focus once again on pushing for those 30-35 day release schedules so that if we release ep 4 on April 10th for example, we'll be able to have ep 5 released by May 10-15th area.

Then from May 10-15th until June 1-4th, we'll make use of that time as our little quality of life update for the game which lightly goes over ep 1-4 stuff to improve grammar mistakes, add background oc's in fitting spots and some more new choices and interactive moments.

That'll set us back on our normal schedule for releasing new content at the very start of a new month moving forward once again.

So thank you for being understanding with our little bumps in the road so far. <3

One last note within this post, be on the look out for a early look at Easter Rachel this Friday. :P (Finished version will be released on Easter Sunday.)


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