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We've finally finished our backlog of background oc characters requested from Patreon! ^^

We'll be moving onto our ks related oc character requests on our backlog next and through this year with the rough goal of having those all done before 2022.

Here we can see some light details about the character and see her expressions.

I  don't want to mention too much for where we might see her pop up yet, but I'd like to remind everyone that sometime in May. We'll be looking through episodes 1-5 to do a quality of life related update, which will include adding background oc's into those episodes, more choices and interactive moments and some grammar fixes here and there.

(Below is some details about Rika ^^)

Name : Rika
Age : 21
Height: 5'9

Her personality is pretty jovial and a little aggressive but she has a bit of a soft interior She’s pretty athletic and likes to hike, fish, and camp, as well as any other kind of outdoor activities.

Artist credit: Lisadikaprio



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