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We have our next background oc character finished! With the next one nearly done before we focus on the ks related oc requests lined up for the year. ^^

Here we can see some light details about the character and see her expressions.

I don't want to mention too much for where we might see her pop up yet, but I'd like to remind everyone that sometime in May. We'll be looking through episodes 1-5 to do a quality of life related update, which will include adding background oc's into those episodes, more choices and interactive moments and some grammar fixes here and there.

(Below is some details about Lulu ^^)

Name : Lulu
Age : 18
Birthday : May 21
Height : 155 cm
Weight : 43kg
Three sizes 85-57-85  

(bio) Lulu is known for being an intelligent, meek, clumsy, girl who bit too  much into robotics.  She comes off as a kind, easy going person, who  takes the time listening and enjoy others company.  When she not at  school or at the literature club, she can be found in her parents  planetarium helping out.  You can say... she a good girl all around til  the topic of robots, ends up going on how much she loves robots and  wants to design her own one day.  

Lulu has brown eyes, wears lavender spectacles, resting on her shoulder  is one interlaces of braided hair down to her waist, wearing white  flower lily on her head.  Lulu is typically wearing her school uniform,  with a cardigan on top.  Her diaper print would be of lily flowers.

Artist credit: Lisadikaprio



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