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I'll keep this post very brief. I knew that this week was going to be a make or break in knowing if the next versions of the game will need to be pushed back a bit. Sadly with how things look, I'd have to really push myself to get the rest of the writing done in time from now, during the weekend and into early next week.

The goal was to roughly shoot for March 30th, with having all the writing complete by March 23rd. That way there's a good 7 days worth of editing and getting everything working in the engine without feeling rushed or last minute for Uncle Artie (Our editor/engine programmer).

The major thing that slowed down progress is the tax season sadly, a bit of stuff going on behind the scenes. It's been a very complex manner and I've dealt with taxes before, but never 1099-K forms and I have 3 of them to mess with, one of those being considered double reported. So there's some issues at hand that I'm working with a local tax & accounting place to help tackle it.

But the process of it all has been affecting my writing regardless if I want it to, so I'm sorry for the delay that is happening, but I wanted to try and give some insight as to why it is happening. If I tried to lay it fully out there with the tax situation, it'd make this post way too long. My hopes is that from this tax season, all the issues taking place will be corrected for next year and forward.

So when can we roughly expect v0.18 & v0.19?

I'd say right now, even with everything in mind above. I'm still going to try taking advanage of what time I can from now until March 30th, so there's some very slim chance to see things release earlier. Regardless I'll always keep everyone updated often about the releases nearly weekly.

Right now, the rough goal is looking like April 7th for the releases.

This could be earlier as mentioned, but it could slightly chance still. All in all, I'll keep everyone informed as it's only fair to give the heads up on the situations.

With the doom and gloom talk out of the way, we do have cg art still to be previewed along the way for this month. We have a fun voting poll to decide which girl will be featured in our upcoming Easter holiday wallpaper. More news posts, hopefully some oc characters to show off by the end of this month and more!

(In case you've missed it, the voting poll is open to the public and you can vote down below!)

We'll be releasing our first behind the scenes for writing of episode 4 here tomorrow as well, since I'm sadly slacking a bit behind on releasing that post for those who like a little preview at how the writing is coming along for ep 4.

Thank you all for the support as always! We hope you'll understand and we hope to still pull through with a early release if possible!



it's cool mate take your time last set of folks you want to mess with are the IRS; I feel your pain with the forms.


taxation is theft reeeeeeee


Thanks! I'm hoping all will be mostly settled by late next week, but it's just been one of those things that's been coming to mind by habit. No fun to mess with taxes in general alone, let alone uncertainty manners with them. Regardless, it's the least I can do to toss out some updates fairly often so no one is in the dark. ^^


Really feeling that more so than ever before this year lol. (I'm laughing, but so true)


Taxation at gunpoint, especially when you lack representation and knowledge of how Government officials intend to use those tax dollars is kept hidden from you. That is absolutely theft. Voluntary taxation, however, is not, so long as it's reasonable and knowledge of its use is transparent. "No taxation without representation." I think it's time to bring back the founding fathers' rallying cry. It's even more relevant today than ever.


Greatly worded! The system is in a pretty sad state. I normally handle my taxes online, but this year with all the extra stuff going on here. It'd be better to have someone to cover my back from the IRS over hoping the professionals online will keep their word. <.< Just really sad in general though with taxes.


Indeed, the IRS are frauds. They are, in fact, a criminal mafia that are not beholden to anyone but themselves. Their crimes include mass extortion and theft (of not only your hard-earned cash, but also your own property), intimidation with threats of imprisonment and using deadly force, racketeering and fraud, and the mass printing of the worthless (and wholly unconstitutional) paper FIAT 'currency' which is easily manipulated to control the masses.


Btw, please take as much time as you need with the coming update.