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If you have not had the chance to play Version 0.18 yet, please avoid voting or if possible, skip past this post without seeing the options for voting as some of it will contain major spoilers!!

With that out of the way, I'm very curious what everyone thought about the content because firstly. It's a bit different than what has been seen before in gameplay, there's some more choice and interaction seen that also plays into different outcomes. (We wanted to make it even more complex, but would've called for engine systems to be made by someone.)

We'd like to know from the story events seen in the content to the gameplay aspects, what did you like, dislike or just feel in general with playing the content. Comments are always welcomed too, please do try your best to avoid major spoiler text in the comments, but I think it should be safe here since I'm warning those who haven't played to avoid this poll until they've had the chance.

With that said! Vote on all that apply below to you. ^^



Don't take this the wrong way, but I really wasn't the biggest fan of this divergence. I was really surprised when you reset the current story (to a degree) and pushed things back as I really was enjoying it up to this point. I guess my problem is that doing stuff like this feels a little out of the scope of what the core of this game is and it worries me that time/energy is being focused on side-stories instead of getting the story we've already seen re-released. I've seen plenty of things flop after getting too grand so I'm just concerned that the sudden focus on this side story is just a small glimpse of what I've seen in many other decently sized project.


I understand where you're coming from with the concerns and glad you were/are enjoying the main story with how that's been progressing. I'd like to firstly just clear up any confusion for anyone out there, that Miki's Dream and side stories in general aren't becoming the major focus for MA moving forward. We will see more side stories added to the game later when the timing for it feels right, which for the most part will come after the main story is fully finished. To help give more insight to why we did this side story to break things up and kick off 2021. We took our holiday break in December after releasing ep 3 and during January once we came back, we later added the missing cg art to ep 3 so it'd be caught up fully. The idea for Miki's Dream was meant to act as a fun, unique piece of content that's a little different than what we normally see with the main focus/episodes for the game. Something to help jump into the writing process after our break with something a bit more fresh before we fully focus on the main story episodes through the year. With all that said, before I make a bigger wall of text lol. <.< I can understand the concern that other projects have flopped before and I'd like to reassure everyone that I don't plan on letting that happen here with MA. I'll be open and honest that there might be some times along the way where I do need a tiny break to help move along, which normally after a new release. I do take it easy for a while before getting into the major drafts of writing to pass along to our editor/engine work. All in all, this was a one time thing to shift gears and help the creative progress before shifting gears right back into the main episodes with the noggin ready to take it on. ^^ It won't be too much longer before we'll see the route focused episodes, as we're shooting for ep 4 to release by late March and ep 5 by late April or early May. These two common route episodes remaining and the character route focused ones will be very, very exciting to release.