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Miki's Dream (Side Story) is here! Finally after the long wait, the time for you to take control of Miki and explore her dream is here!

[To access Miki's Dream, click "New Game" and after the disclaimer you'll want to click "Miki's Dream. I Also highly suggest saving your progress often, as failure will result in lost progress in the dream! >.< Which is intended.]

In case you missed it, check out this >>Post<< for all changes added to Version 0.18 or click on the change log button on the title screen in the game.  

[Miki's Dream voting poll (spoiler alert) will come 24 hours from now to prevent spoiling right away.]

[IMPORTANT: Saved data from Version 0.15+ should work across newer versions of the game released to continue from where you left off. Since Miki's Dream is side content, you don't have to worry too much for this release.]

Notice: All testing has been done on Windows. With MA being in Ren'py engine from now on, if there is any new issues with running the game on any OS combination, please let us know in as much detail what OS software you're running, the issue itself (screenshots optional) and so forth.

Windows/Linux version: >>Here<<
Mac version: >>Here<<
Android version: >>Here<< 

Enjoy & Thank you all for continued support! <3 We hope you'll enjoy the release and look forward to the next one planned for sometime late March! (Further details to come out in our news posts later this month into next month! ^^ ) Please don't feel shy, let us know what you liked, disliked or felt in general with the recent content in the comments below or on the discord server! [Please make use of the spoiler function!]


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