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It's a new month and with new months starting, it brings with it news to go over! So as many of you may already know by now, we're still waiting to see Version 0.17 (public) & Version 0.18 (supporter) release. Which we'll end up seeing those release sometime next week roughly around Feb 8-12th as we're waiting on some last minute art.

Once again, thank you all for being patient during the wait for new content. We're very excited to release those versions of the game to you all and we believe the content offered will be very, very much worth the wait.

While we're waiting on that content though, this news post will be focused on details for the public fans regarding version 0.18 and new details on what we can expect roughly for version 0.19 for supporters. Let's jump into it! ^^

~Whats the plan?~

So one mention briefly is that in January, we quickly had the chibi art tackled to help make the episode screens fully come together. Our next "big" goal for 2021 will be a bit of a wait from now until we see it, but mainly it'll be the gui overhaul.

Which will improve visuals of the current gui, add a few new assets and functions not currently seen. Some of this is new stuff to help work better within Ren'py since our swap of engines back at the tail end of 2020.

Roughly below is our current expected timeline leading up to the half way point of 2021 for what we're looking to get done. (Reminder the dates and versions below are related to supporter exclusive dates. Public fans for example version 0.18 would be around March 15-18th, so on.)

Version 0.18 [Miki’s Dream] (Feb 8-12th)

-Miki’s Dream side story added.
-Ms. Eskin sprite added to ep 3?  (It's unsure if this will be in this version yet or the next one.)
-Special Miki Dream cg scene added.
-New bg art for Miki's Dream.
-Enemy sprites added.

Version 0.19 [Episode 4] (March 15-18th)

-Episode 4 added.
-3+ cg scenes added.
-Ep 1 cg scene “tickle fight” added.

Version 0.20 [Episode 5] (April 21-24th)

-Episode 5 added.
-3-4+ cg scenes added.
-Special gui route select screen.

Version 0.21 [Mini quality update] (May 5-12th)

-Oc background characters added to ep 1-5.
-New choices for ep 1-5
-New gui overhaul added.

So with the roadmap above, the month of May might end up being seen as a mini break between big content. This will end up helping us prepare for June forward for the rest of 2021 on ensuring the ep 6 and forward stuff that's route related content is on the levels of quality to expect from us and see some beautiful new ways that each character's unique episodes play out to tell their story.

Also forgive me for any minor delays to be seen forward <.< February will be a pretty busy month with work trying to rev up and get really busy again, among trying to balance life out in general and get through this tax season. Once again thank you all for being understanding. <3

~Future content coming out soon or in the near future~

So with our little timeline or roadmap of stuff going forward from here, it should be expected that in 2021 we're making sure our game versions released are not only full of writing content, decent amount of choices or interaction (coming soon in May). But mainly making sure there isn't any missing art or assets for new content released so that you all play the nearly final expected version of that content.

Give or take, as sometime in 2022 when we're closer to being done. We'll go back through the game at the end to fix up writing mistakes and stuff on the quality level to finalize the game being completely done.

What can we expect for version 0.18 (public) & version 0.19 (supporters) content?

Of course, remember version 0.18 isn't actually out yet for supporters, so hopefully there isn't any confusion. These mentions below will be for WHEN version 0.18 does become public later when version 0.19 releases for supporters.

Below is a list of what to expect roughly for version 0.18.
-Miki's Dream (Side Stories) added.
-Music added to Miki's Dream.
-1 cg scene related to Miki's Dream content.
-New bg art added for Miki's Dream.
-Enemy sprites added for Miki's Dream.
-New gui placeholder button "Side Stories" added to title screen.

So just a brief summary of what Miki's Dream is, it's a side story piece of content that has light connections in how or where it falls into the timeline of the main game's timeline of events. This content is pretty unique in doing some stuff that helps make it play out a bit differently than content we've seen in MA before.

Mainly without spoiling too much, You take the role of Miki and have to explore your way through her dream. Along the way will be enemies to encounter, puzzles and traps to overcome and more trying to block you from reaching whatever it is you need! Of course with the fun levels expected with Miki related events. :P

Below is a list of what to expect roughly for version 0.19.
-Episode 4 added.
-New music added to episode 4.
-3+ cg scenes added to episode 4.
-Ms. Eskin sprite added to ep 3. (possibly this will make it in time for 0.18)
-"Tickle fight" cg scene added to ep 1.

Episode 4 has plenty in store for fans, we'll end up seeing some loose ends tied up in the episode that weren't explained yet or able to be concluded with some characters. There's of course going to be some characters from the cast we haven't seen yet show up.

As for who, I won't mention, but expect a pretty interesting introduction to be seen. :P

The episode will be pretty well rounded feeling and should really help players feel that by the end of the episode that there's really only 2-3 characters who'd need some extra time to be spent with to better know them before making a route choice.

As we grow closer to episode 5, it'll be very exciting. In case you aren't aware, episode 5 will be the end of the common route and general story before splitting into the unique stories of the cast and getting into the deeper general story playing out with it.


Overall, February will bring us back into working on the main episodes of the game once more! ^^ It's hard to say yet if that'll be a good thing or bad thing after seeing how Miki's Dream plays out, but on the plus side to that. Later for May, we'll be doing minor quality related stuff and part of that will be based on suggestions/feedback we receive.

So it's possible episodes 1-5 will see some more choices and interactive moments added to help the experience feel better.

For those of you who are new or a public fan that's a bit curious. Every month we offer exclusive versions of the game to those supporters who pay $5+ and with that includes many perks like art previews, general news, behind the scenes posts, polls and more! So if you enjoy what we do and like those perks, please do consider supporting us as every bit helps towards developing the game.

Once more for those eagerly waiting, we thank you big time for being so very patient with us. We still have very interesting and exciting news to share through the month and for valentines day we have that special wallpaper all done and set aside for fans to download! ^^

Those of you waiting for oc characters still, worry not! February is dedicated to wrapping those up and then moving onto our ks related oc character requests for March, April and May. ^^

From all of us at Messy Studios.
We hope you'll enjoy the new content very soon and stay safe! 


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