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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

Miki's Dream (Side Story)

[This content is separated from the main game, in order to access it. You will have to click on the main menu button at the title screen that says "Side Stories" to pop up a new screen that will list all future side story content.]

[Side story content is cannon to the main story. There is no set timeline for when some of these stories take place before, during or even after the main story of MA. Keep this in mind, some content might be easier than others to figure out where it roughly would be placed in the timeline of the game, while some won't be as easy.]

Miki's Dream begins with some monologue after she had spent a day of fun with Erika, during which at some point before splitting ways. Erika had found Miki's old diary from when she was little. This excites Miki to have a blast from the past to read through the contents that she  thought was long lost.

While reading, she ends up passing out and she then wakes up a short time later to find herself in a baby themed padded prison cell. She isn't sure how she got there and isn't aware of dreaming.

She soon discovers that her cell is unlocked and she decides to explore around to see if there's a way out of this place.

Players will then get to take the role of Miki and explore this oddly cutesy looking place that seems to be a castle, starting out in the lower dungeon cells area and making her way through the castle.

Along the way, she'll come across various enemies who must be taken care of in their own unique ways or risk getting caught and sent back to her padded cell to start over again. Some enemies will drop useful items needed to proceed further along at points in the castle that are locked off.

There's some areas that will end up testing Miki's skills in solving puzzles and sometimes these puzzles or normal areas will be setup as a trap for her to activate. These traps can vary from causing issues for Miki in any future battles and some will outright lead to her getting caught and sent back to her padded cell.

When you end up losing a battle or fall into a trap that leads to going back to your cell. These moments will be unique, you'll see stuff like enemies spanking Miki, taking care of her back at her cell, tickling her and more!

Worry not about the results, as we're well aware that many games in eroge genre regardless of being about a fetish or kink love to make it so that the player has to fail to get to enjoy some content that might be fun to see. We can easily tell you that along the way, you will most likely fail at least once if not more just based on choices.

The fun of this content will come from trial and error, slowly making your way deep into the castle and overcoming issues in your way to make it further. That isn't to say the content will be vague and completely punishing where you have to simply guess things with no hints at all. (Otherwise that wouldn't be too fun now would it?)

In order to overcome puzzles or enemies, you will have a basic attack and a set range of magic attacks to make use of. These will help you figure out general weaknesses of certain enemies by default, but sometimes to mix it up and ensure it doesn't become too easy. (Aka knowing enemy 1 can be defeated by basic attacks.) You should pay attention to the surroundings or what room you're currently in as well, as location can play a factor into having Miki's aloof/clumsy nature cause issues for her.

~In closing~

This is a bit different than other content we've done before in MA as you can picture. It's the most interactive content we've seen to date and I can't go into detail for how the flow of the exploring goes, aside from there being a set path, but along the way there is key moments that let the player choose which area to explore and check out.

I hope you all will enjoy this content even if you're not a big fan of Miki, just the gameplay alone should prove to be pretty fun to go through. ^^

We actually wanted to make things even more complex and more open than it'll be in game, but that seems better suited as it's own project. Instead of trying to create a unique engine system for MA just for that one side story. :P


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