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Hopefully everyone's new year is still holding up! It's early to tell how things will pan out or look, but let's not jinx that. In terms of MA we're doing very well into the new year so far after our holiday break. ^^

We're looking to be ahead on schedule with our new content planned for Feb 5th, which is Miki's Dream. I'll be sharing a behind the scenes writing post about this soon, which will go into some great details on how different the content is compared to what we've seen before in the game.

I don't want to over hype it by any means, but do expect the most interactive experience to be seen to date for MA. :P

Before we move into some status of things, in case you've missed it. Here's a link to our first news post this month. >>Here<<

~Version 0.18~ (Miki's Dream)

I can't comment on what music will be heard during the content, but it's possible that sometime in the future as we get some more music tracks added to the game this year, that we'll do some fixing up of any previous content we have in terms of music direction.

Miki's Dream will feature 1 cg scene, which unlike other scenes we've showed early previews for on patreon. We'll actually be hiding it until the release, this is because there's a bit of a surprise with it. (Can't comment any further than that.)

I've mentioned in our previous news post that there's a chance we might have enough time to have our cg artist do a older cg scene for ep 1's tickle fight between Erika and Miki to help showcase their diaper accident moments there. It's hard to confirm if this will be ready before the 5th, but we'll shoot for it.

Now there's some interesting news about Miki's Dream content that we didn't go over in our previous news post. We're looking to have a unique background piece of art for the new content. Sadly our bg artist who did the lovely art for our game doesn't seem to be able to take on doing this new bg art at this time, meaning we'll have someone else take it on instead. It'll be a very different kind of location in terms of bg art we've seen in the game, so it'll really help tie everything together for this dream sequence. :P

Among a new bg art piece being added, we have some simple sprites that were made up for the new content that we'll possibly show previews of them, since I don't think it'll ruin the experience.

Back to our previous news post, we mentioned looking into adding new player choices for episodes 1-3. It's still unclear if we'll do this for the release on the 5th or what we might do instead is tie it into our moment when we go back to those episodes to include background oc's into the game for fitting spots.

I really want to go more in depth about the details of Miki's Dream and what you can really expect, since we haven't touched on exactly what it'll be like. We'll do this in our behind the scenes writing for Miki's Dream just because there's a lot to go over and I'd like to leave the option for those who want to go into it completely blind and be fully surprised.

~In ending~

Shorter than normal news post, but these 2nd ones in the month normally are and same for our last news posts of the month. :P

I'm hoping everyone has been enjoying the massive amounts of cg art, chibi art, previews of Ms. Eskin's sprite and other interesting stuff being posted since we've returned. ^^ I know it's been a lot of daily new posts being made and I'm sorry for those who might dislike seeing notifications from our patreon when we update so often like that... lol.

I'm sure there's many of you out there who do enjoy seeing plenty of new posts we make daily though, but in regards to it being too much. I'm sure we could cut down on our posts we make, but we like to keep everyone informed of everything we're doing.

Anyways, we'll be seeing the last of the chibi art previews posted leading into the weekend. With the alt outfit versions of the chibi's we'll make one big post that shows all of those, just because it'd be better after we've already shown all the chibi's. :P

Sometime this weekend we should expect to see the behind the scenes writing post for Miki's Dream, detailing some light spoilers and stuff to expect for how that content plays out. Like always we'll keep some details vague, but just a heads up those posts contain some spoiling at times.

The following week might slow down on posts from us, but we could possibly see some more art for the bg art being added and the sprites by then for Miki's Dream. Followed by our last news post for January and into the changelogs/release of Version 0.18 as we reach Feb 5th. ^^

With that, from all of us on the Messy Studios team.
We hope you all well and looking forward to our next release!


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