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So, a little good news for all of you supporters today! :P We had planned to release a small update that adds some missing art and minor stuff to the game on Jan 25th... Well, we managed to get all of that done 10 days ahead, so why wait?

We'll have this released later tonight, based on CST timezone. We'll have another post made later which is simply the downloads for the game. [We offer Windows, Mac, Android support & Linux users should be able to run the game using the Windows version through the "MessyAcademy.sh" file I believe.]

Just a reminder, we are no longer referring to our game updates as "Update 0.XX" But rather we're calling them "Version 0.XX" instead. This doesn't change anything, your previous saved data should still work without issues, but do let us know if there's troubles by any means. [These downloads don't require you to have earlier versions of the game to get all the content or expand on previous versions of the game. Simply download the latest version of the game and play worry free! ^^]

~Version 0.17.1~

-New content-

-Ep 2 Nova undressing scene has been changed to new versions.
-Ep 3 wedgie scene added. (Diaper accident optional scene added)
-Ep 3 Juliet photoshoot scene added.
-Ep 3 Nurse scene added. (3 versions play out, optional scenes)
-Ep 3 Zoey’s gift scene added. (2 versions play out.)
-Minor writing fixes on ep 3. (diaper accident moment, new outcome for the wedgie moment)
-Allie redesign sprite added in ep 2.
-New episode splash art added to ep 1-3.
-Minor fixes to spelling mistakes across ep 1-3.


-Credits button has been updated with latest supporters from Nov-Jan as of this point.
-Credits button has been updated with our chibi artist's name.



Let's go!!