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In case you might've missed it, check out our news post to kick off the start of January and our plans moving forward. >>Here<<

Miki's Dream is having it's writing starting soon and I'd like to just make a little post that gives some more insight on how this content will be like. :P

Miki's Dream is going to be accessible from the title screen, you'll soon be able to find a button labeled "Side Stories" and from there you can play through it. In the future we'll add more side stories, some of which might help fill in the blanks for extra lore to the main story and some that may not really fall within that category.

For this content, without trying to spoil the experience. Players will be able to expect Miki's Dream to be a fantasy adventure in which you'll take the role of Miki. When I say fantasy adventure, we should be expecting it to be closer to stuff that you'd see fitting with Miki. So it might not feel like some sort of roleplaying adventure.

The content is expected to be around 4-5k word count, which isn't very huge compared to our episodes we release. There is however to be expected, a much more interactive piece of content for players. You'll take the role of Miki and right away, you'll end up feeling much more in control for this content.

An example of this, Miki has to hide for some reason and you'll have three different choices to choose from. Each choice will lead to a unique experience as the dream plays out further and further. It's hard to explain in text, but just know that this content is planned to have interactive gameplay not seen before in MA. :P

Miki's Dream is expected to release by Feb 5th and afterwards, we'll be back on our regular schedule with the main episodes moving forward.  We hope you all will enjoy this content when it's released, we'll have some behind the scenes writing soon enough that gives a more spoiler preview of how the content plays out. ^^


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