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With 2021 and slowly starting back up again, our sprite artist Lisa will be taking on oc characters throughout 2021. We have at least 2-3 background oc characters from patreon rewards from last year to go through still, so if you've been waiting for a few months. I assure you, we're getting through them now.

We're sorry with the delay, as we had some last minute stuff to get through to finish up 2020 for sprites.

Anyone who is a ks backer, know that your side or main character oc requests will be coming along this year as well.

Nene is our most recent oc background character we've just finished for an awesome supporter, we'll display some of her details down further below. If you are interested in having your own personal oc character seen in the game, we are currently sadly not accepting new requests right now as our backlog has grown quite a bit.

We'll of course let everyone know well in advance before we do open up oc character requests again in the far off future.

With the oc characters we try our best to play off of their backstories and personality given to us privately from the requester. We do try to keep them very much intact, but fitting within the MA universe. Nene as you can tell might be lacking legs, but that doesn't seem to let it get to her. If anything her artificial legs are awesome!

(below are some minor details about Nene)

Name: Nene Epee
Age: 20
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 115lbs
Nationality: French
Sexuality: Lesbian
Current Residance: Messy Academy
Outfit: Unique purple overalls.
Hobbies: Ballet, Flying martial arts.

Artist credit: LisadiKaprio




love the unique character design.


Fun note: Lisa (Our sprite artist) mentioned it was pretty fun and interesting to take this oc character on, quite a change of pace in a good way. ^^

Stan Verox

Getting some Katawa Shoujo vibes from this character. Not bad.