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With a new year, comes a new month of support from all of you awesome supporters! ^^ We hope that regardless if you've been a long term supporter or recently joined, that you'll enjoy the benefits for supporting us. ^^

If there is concerns or issues regarding how we handle benefits that we offer or you feel we could improve in our delivery of said benefits each month. Please do take the time to send us a private message detailing good, bad or eh about our patreon supporting reward/benefits.

You may also reach out to us by our team's email: Messyacademy@hotmail.com

We're always super happy to receive messages or comments from everyone, regardless if it's feedback, liking of the game, disliking of the game, etc. We try to take this all into consideration if possible.

While we're still on break until Jan 8th from the Holidays, we'll have a news post released here in another day or two to go over details on what we have planned coming up in Q1 2021 and what content you can expect to be released on Feb 5th. ^^

(We'll release a minor update for Version 0.17 around Jan 25-28th. This will feature 3-4+ cg scenes added into the existing Episode 3, chibi art added to episode screens, diaper accident during the wedgie moment and some new choices added for Episodes 1-3 to help break up the long periods of reading.)

Once again, thank you all from everyone on the Messy Studios team! Be on the look out for exciting art previews, general news, polls, etc. ^^


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