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I'd like to just mention that from all of us on the Messy Studios team, we wish you all a Happy Holidays coming up! ^^

We've been still very much laid back and taking advanage of our time off this month from MA to spend time with family, relax and allow us to prepare for when we get right back into work again by Jan 8th.

I'd like to do a tiny update for everyone, our original plan with update 0.17 (Episode 3) was to do a minor update on Dec 29th in order to add some cg scenes for the episode. This plan will actually be delayed.

Our cg artist headed off to spend the holidays with family on the 19th until Jan 3rd, they nearly have the Juliet photoshoot cg scene done before leaving, but pretty much to sum things up. Adding just the wedgie cg scene on the 29th wouldn't feel worth it alone, so sometime in January we'll do a proper minor update that adds all the cg art for Episode 3. ^^

Our plans for Q1 2021 are below to give some insight into what to expect for the coming months to start the new year.

Update 0.17.5 [Minor] (Jan 25th)
-Ep 2 Nova undressing scene adjusted to new versions.
-Ep 3 wedgie scene added.
-Ep 3 Juliet photoshoot scene added.
-Ep 3 Nurse scene added.
-Ep 3 Zoey’s gift scene added.
-Minor writing fixes on ep 3. (diaper accident moment)

Update 0.18 [Miki’s Dream] (Feb 5th)
-Miki’s Dream side story added.
-1+ Miki Dream cg scene added.

Update 0.19 [Episode 4] (March 8th)
-Episode 4 added.
-3+ cg scenes added.

Update 0.20 [Episode 5] (April 7th)
-Episode 5 added.
-3-4+ cg scenes added.
-Special splash art screen for choosing a girl's route.

Update 0.21 [Episode 6] (May 5th)
-Episode 6 added for 3-4 main girls.
-3-4 cg scenes added.

With that said, we still have some stuff set aside to share with everyone for this month and next month until our next game update to move things forward, so we hope you'll all look forward to it all.

From all of us at the Messy Studios team!
We wish you all a Happy Holidays and a Happy 2021!


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