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While the team is on break for the month and with it being the holidays coming up. We're doing something a little fun for our supporters to take part in! ^^

We're going to have a holiday themed wallpaper made with one of the MA character's seen in it. Now, we'll of course need some suggestions or ideas as to what the character would be doing. (Random examples off the top of my head: X character opening gifts next to a Christmas tree, X character building a snowman, maybe X character taking a sweet nap with cookies laid out for Santa while the fireplace is lit, etc.)

We'd love to hear as many suggestions from all of you, either out in the open or privately messaged to us on patreon if you wish. We'll have a poll after this one ends to see which suggestion/scene idea is the winner for this. ^^

(You can vote on as many options as you wish. This first poll will determine which character will be seen.)


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