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Just a small update to let everyone know the situation, in case you haven't read it yet. Check our post here out to be caught up on what is going on with the release of update 0.17 (episode 3) >>here<<

Assuming you are caught up, then we are still looking to release the update on Dec 8th by the looks of it. The episode will be missing at least 2 other cg scenes if we can have our artist finish up the one that they were currently in the middle of before becoming sick last week.

I know that isn't that great either, but I fully expect that when we get back to work in 2021 during January. By the time we release update 0.18 (episode 4) around Feb 3rd, we'll go into the year strong and our artist should be able to be caught up completely. That way, starting with episode 4 forward, each game update will release with all it's intended art.

So we have two, slightly three things planned to shoot for when we get to releasing update 0.18 in February.

(1) - Shoot for having cg scenes caught up to the current game releases, so none are missing as we move forward through 2021.

(2) - Updated gui elements better suited for Ren'py in game.

(3) - With update 0.18 forward, offer mobile support for the game releases.

But that's looking a bit further ahead into the future right now, let's cut back to our current situation with update 0.17 (episode 3).

I am waiting to hear back from our cg artist sometime later today or by tomorrow possibly to see if everything is looking okay for them to get the one cg scene done for episode 3. While we're waiting for that, I'm double checking the writing and dialogue is within the engine already, just some visual stuff needs to be checked and tested on those terms.

We're very thankful for your patience once again, we hope the minor delay for episode 3 will be worth it. I wish I could openly spoil stuff here, but I don't want to ruin anything with what takes place or who could show up. :P


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