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Hi everyone! ^^ I'd like to briefly mention that I hope everyone's plans for the upcoming holiday season aren't too affected with things going on in the world. I'm hoping you all are avoiding the normal flu season as well, which thankfully enough for myself. I have been able to this year for once as the past two years I've always gotten sick during November. (That isn't to say I won't get sick still soon >.< But nice to not be sick around November for once.)

Anyways this is a poll asking about something very important, which is why we have it open to the public as I want to ensure our fans regardless of support levels are able to leave their opinion on it.

I need to first explain, the Messy Studios team is taking December off this year for the most part. This is so that we can have a good month to ready ourselves heading into the new year and normally it's very busy for everyone during December regardless. So with that said, the next update 0.17 will still release on Dec 5th. But we're trying to figure out how to handle the content to be expected for January, since we'd mainly be on break.

We'd like to know how our fans feel about delayed content releases for this one time as we take a much needed break from our schedule during 2020 releasing monthly updates without delay. After this one delayed release for January, we'd be back to normal month to month full episode releases.

We have a couple options for how we could handle things, all with their own benefits or cons.

(1) - We could release a short 3000-4000 word count standalone story that has you in the pov of Miki during one of her dreams. (We could release this in January instead of what would've been episode 4. But is the time spent on this instead of ep 4 worth it overall?)

(2) - We don't release anything in January, aside from new art upcoming previews and some news posts, etc. General patreon posts through the month, but no game update. Instead we would have ep 4 release early in February in full.

(3) - We release a little bit of ep 4 at the start of January with possibly missing cg art and give everyone a little bit of new content, then have the rest of ep 4 released by early February.

Ideally I'd prefer to have episode 4 ready in full for January 4th.. But the only way that seems like it'd happen is if we didn't take a break during December, which I hate to say it. But I feel like many of us on the team would benefit greatly with a month long break to take it easy, prepare as we head into another long year of monthly releases.

I personally will end up very lightly writing a bit during December to stay ahead, but that isn't to say I'll have episode 4 fully written up during the month. If there's anything that we could do for our fans, supporters for January to make it feel worth the support for that month while we're in an awkward moment. Do let us know in the comments below, once again there is no delay for December's update. (update 0.17) The delay would affect January's update, pushing it back to early February.



Mini update: the Miki dream content thing could still happen later on sometime, its just a small enough thing for content that I figured I'd mention it for a choice here. :P