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(Until Oct 5th when update 0.15 releases and the kickstarter launches at 9:30AM US Central time. I'll be doing these countdown posts that are real brief to help hype up mainly the kickstarter launch, but also mention the work going on for update 0.15 as we finish up the final touches.)

Kickstarter details >>Here<<

I'd like to just briefly mention quick, that if you have no interest in our kickstarter launch. I'm sorry for the daily countdown we've done. >.<

That aside everything looks ready and is in process of being packaged up for the next game updates releases. Much like our previous game update, we will most likely release the game updates (public and patreon) versions out an hour or two early.

This is so I'm not up past midnight by time with work the following day trying to release everything so late. Flipping the launch switch for the kickstarter is just one little click to take care of while I'm at work, so that'll be fine.

It'll be a busy week come the 5th, but we have some really exciting art stuff going on this month to really hype up things with the game.

I believe I mentioned it briefly in our last countdown post, but we might possibly already see one of the new cg scenes previewed this coming week. It's nearly about done and we can't wait to share the other scenes coming this month. Some are scenes from a long, long, long time ago being redone to fit better.

I think for this first cg scene mentioned, it's save to mention that it's one from Episode 1 or previously known as "Day 1" where Miki trips and there's a fanservice upskirt moment.

We have 3 cg scenes planned for Episode 1, of course we won't have these scenes ready in time before Oct 5th as we just started on these. But our hope is to get the episode 1 scenes done and then have the Episode 2 scenes ready for Nov 4th with update 0.16

We have a good fair bit of fanservice/erotic scenes planned and some more story event related ones. We can't wait to see how you'll all enjoy seeing these beautiful scenes coming very soon!

One last note, for Bridget's redesign on her sprite. We should end up seeing some early concept art of her new sprite by the later end of next week! Which is also very exciting to see and share with everyone how this plays into her new personality bits added. Those preview posts for Bridget will be a fun treat, as we'll also discuss some other concepts we had for Bridget for personality, visuals, etc.

Moving forward to end the crazy year of 2020, we hope our kickstarter will prove itself to be great, along with a good push moving forward on cg art. It'll be interesting to see how things we have planned for early next year will look for how to improve things that might possibly be needed in the future still. (Programming/mini game feature) (Some new light gui elements)


alex vidal

messy nice content i'm sure you will like this www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQqSZqATIT4