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(Until Oct 5th when update 0.15 releases and the kickstarter launches at 9:30AM US Central time. I'll be doing these countdown posts that are real brief to help hype up mainly the kickstarter launch, but also mention the work going on for update 0.15 as we finish up the final touches.)

Kickstarter details >>Here<<

While it's still early tonight, most of the work being done now is simply going through and adding the music tracks in the correct areas and last minute testing to make sure everything is paired up right.

I suspect I'll have everything just about done tonight and then the weekend will be sorting out everything to be 100% for launch, as it'll be a busy launch day between releasing update 0.14 for the public, update 0.15 for supporters and the kickstarter launch.

It'll be crazy come Oct 5th, so please bare with me a little. I have high hopes that even with the crazy stuff planned, that I should be able to get writing started for Episode 2 going this next week.


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