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Making this public, as it affects the public version of update 0.13 and will affect update 0.14 (currently for supporters).

If you haven't been up to date on the topic recently, this will be about the NTR aspects and the removal of said content in MA moving forward with the game. Without repeating myself too much, this post here. Should detail what and why we're removing NTR and not looking back.

(These updates mentioned are targeted to release on September 15th for public and supporters.)

So what is update 0.13.5 & update 0.14.5 all about and have to do with this?

Update 0.13.5 can be seen as a minor update to the game, the new content being added is removing text, dialogue from the game that affects Bridget and Lola respectfully. This is text/dialogue that hints at or implies that NTR is something to expect for them, which is no longer a thing.

Instead, there is new dialogue/text that fixes affected content areas in the game by the NTR and makes it so that we're not removing content purely. That's the major thing, we're not trying to remove content for these characters, but rather more heavier content areas that needed changed, received new fitting text/dialogue that plays into the scenarios taking place.

Update 0.14.5 will be exclusive to supporters until Oct 5th, which is when things will go back to normal for update release numbers. (So on Oct 5th, once update 0.15 is out for supporters. We'll have "update 0.14" released for public, but it'll actually be the mentioned 0.14.5 version, just not mentioned as that to avoid confusion for a month or two.)

So 0.14.5 will also have the same changes about NTR as update 0.13.5 mentioned above. But you'll also have a very minor dialogue fix added for Zoey's route part 1. At the start of her route, there was dialogue that repeats and wasn't intended. So that'll be fixed.

So be straight with me... Are these versions of the game worth downloading and messing with if I already played update 0.13 or update 0.14?

Honestly, it'll be up to the person. Ultimately, I'd say it isn't really worth going through these versions if you've already went through those two mentioned. It'd be best to just hold off until October 5th, that way for the public you all can see the NTR removal content and the side girl routes added together. Or for our supporters you can play the new content being released this month, along with seeing the NTR removal content at once.

What if I'm a fan or supporter who actually like NTR content? What's the point for me to play MA if NTR isn't in the game?

It's mentioned more in our post regarding this, but mainly our thought process with this is like this.

In most cases, fans of NTR aren't looking to play a game that isn't focused on that aspect. More so the longer they have to go into the game to reach said content, which in MA's case. It's a lot of content to get through to reach the routes where honestly the real NTR content would take place for Lola/Bridget and even then. It would've been such a very tiny fraction of overall content for the game that it seems to be causing more harm than good for trying to offer it a little bit.

This might not be your thoughts on the matter, perhaps you like NTR and don't mind the content to play through to reach it. (Of course jump buttons are a thing, but I'm assuming fresh playthrough.) Either way, I'm just sharing our thought as to why this is happening.


To wrap this post up, we are truly sorry if the news of NTR being removed is sad to hear. It's been a lot of consideration and we've had the mention. "Why not add more NTR into the game then?" Which sadly wouldn't work with MA's story and personal stories for the characters, we don't want to force content like that just for the heck of it. The only reason Bridget and Lola even had NTR aspects in the first place was because it was planned that mainly Lola had a certain reason for why it would involve her. (Recall back on the pre-route area of the game if you confess to Lola, it's clear she's dating someone already.)

As we reached the writing and looking at the future of how much content is left for the game from the routes forward. There's not a lot for the NTR and given how we've had the impression that most fans aren't in favor of NTR. It just made sense to take a step back and think it over on how we'd handle this.

Both Bridget and Lola will have unique and interesting storylines still. Lola's will be made clear on the pre-route confession area, as to what is taking place with that. Bridget's we'll see a little bit more here soon enough.


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