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A little over due I think for one of these!

So in case you've missed it, in our last post back on the 2nd of this month. We set in stone the launch date for October 5th for our kickstarter finally. If you wish to read more about that you can do so here.

As of right now we're about roughly 25 days from our launch date. It's getting more and more exciting to know that we're ready for this, but also at the same time. I'm nervous.

Right now our video editor isn't scheduled to begin working on the video trailer until the 15th of this month, so about 4-5 days from now. It'll be later this month when we see a preview video, but I have no doubts that this trailer will look professional and be of good quality.

While I do wish I had more physical rewards planned for our kickstarter in my hands to preview and display, I'm still going to ensure those rewards are made of good quality. We do have the acrylic character standees which were previewed and I believe under the kickstarter area of our guide post, you can find a post there that should be public that showcases how those will look.

Guide post here for our public followers! >>Here<<  (We keep it our pinned post, but it only shows pinned posts for supporters >.< ) Feel free to bookmark that guide post, as we always update it with our latest posts and download links, etc. It's our one stop all post to follow to ensure you're staying up to date easily with us. ^^

Moving back to physical rewards, I believe I've mentioned it in the past. But for our poster reward, it'll be a scroll cloth fabric poster. The art displayed will be the idol event CG scene in high resolution. What we might also do in case backers decide they prefer something a bit more erotic in tastes, we can offer posters of some erotic CG art from the game to be seen or already in there.

One final thing, I've mentioned it a little before in the past. But we're looking to keep rewards for kickstarter balanced in comparison to our patreon rewards. We'll try to figure out fitting ways to offer many of the kickstarter rewards over here on patreon at some point after we try launching the kickstarter, some limited time rewards of course will be a first come first serve targeted for our kickstarter launch.

I do believe I've heard some fans or supporters even, who have mentioned card issues for sites like kickstarter. So if there is a limited time reward for once the kickstarter does launch on October 5th and you can't pay for it through kickstarter. Do let us know through private message here or if you can't private message, we'll have a official post that's open to the public for the exact moment the kickstarter goes live. So you can post a comment on that post if you're interested in one of said limited rewards, we won't ask for your money for said reward up front until the campaign is over and we reached our goal just to be safe with that.

For a full list of rewards, the guide post under kickstarter details area has a few posts all labeled as needed. One of them lists the rewards and costs, but you can also take a look at our kickstarter preview page too here.



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